tylko 10 zdań po angielsku opisujących moje przeżycia. doświadczenia itp.(moze byc np. o jakimś wyjeździe, spotkaniu z kimś, coś łatwego, co chcesz ;]) W miarę realne i na poziomie 2 gim ;),
proszę jak najszybciej, błagam <prosi>
zrób to zadanie ! , badzo ważne ! ;)
proszę ;(
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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It was beautiful day, 1st August. My father after work said that we are going on holiday to the Baltic Sea for twoo weeks. I and my siblings were very happy beacause we have never been there before. When the day of depature came, I was very excited. We left early in the morning. We spend night in guesthouse near Warsaw.Next day after breakfast we went on. When we drove in the most busy road the car died and it wouldn't turn on ! Other cars were trumpted on us. My father said we must pusch the car! What a shame! I got off the car and together with my sibling and my mother we began pushing. People laughted at us. a few of them helped us. After a few dozen meters the car turned up. What a relief ! After Several hours we finally got there. It was fantastic. It was the best holiday in my life.
nie wiem czy o cos takiego chodziło, to jest o wyjeździe nad morze, że w drodze zepsuło sie auto i ze trzeba było pchać i o Twoich przeżyciach z tym związanych. :)