Zadanie z Angielskiego !!! prosze pomózcie :* mam na zadanie takie cos; Napisz którtką historyjke zawierającą nastepujace słowa ; - small hamster -hat -ring -scared - happy opowiadanie w czasie present coniunous <od 60- 100 słówek>!!! pomózcie :*
My mom bought me a little hamster was very cute. I played with him all day, one day I left it in my room and went to the toilet when I got back it turned out that my hamster fell into a hat and was very scared whenever he saw me very happy. I took it on the hands and hugged. The next day I bought a ring with a picture of the hamster that day reminded me of my beloved pets
I played with him all day, one day I left it in my room and went to the toilet when I got back it turned out that my hamster fell into a hat and was very scared whenever he saw me very happy.
I took it on the hands and hugged.
The next day I bought a ring with a picture of the hamster that day reminded me of my beloved pets