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Znajomi zaprosili Cię na spektakl teatralny. Niestety, z pewnych przyczyn musisz im odmówić. Napisz do jednego z nich e-maila:
* Podziękuj za zaproszenie
* Przeproś, że nie możesz pójść ze znajomymi do teatru
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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HI bob
I would like to thank you for having invited me on theater performance.Unfortunatelly,I can't go there with you because of I have to stay with my younger brother tonight so i am really sorry of that.May we go on bear tomorrow or we can also spend our free time next week at home of mine smoking grass or something.You know what i mean.Get relax.Now i have to back to work in order not to be fired.How i would make a living without any job?See you soon.
Friend yours best Derek