Wypisz conajmniej 15 ciekawostek na temat Stanów Zjednoczonych. Informacje mają być wypisane w punktach. Odpowiedzi tylko w języku angielskim.
1. The first US capital was New York City.
2. The United States is second only to India's film producer in the world.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.SmallTalks- oranythingYahoo
2.Weapons areavailableeverywhere and foralmost all- Americansare scaredand think thatin this contextsincethe banditshave gunsthatthey toomust be armed
3. Marijuanabannedbutpopularas beer,is part ofrelaxationand rest.
4.HowAmerica is, of course,and fast food-McDonald's, KFCare actuallyon everyproverbialcorner.
5.IalwaysCocaCola -the inventionof the Americanchemist.
6.In honor oftheir formerenemies,the Soviet Union- the Americansbegan to calltheir vesselsfrom the "USS" which means"UnitedSovietShips".
7.Sacco, Missouri(USA)women can notwearhatsthat mightfrightenchildren,vulnerable peopleand animals.
8.InAlabama,on Sunday...do notplay dominoes.
9.The symbol ofEasterin the U.S. isnota lamb, andrabbit(EasterBunny).
10.On Easter Sundayparadesare held, and on Mondayeggrollingon the lawnof the White House
11.United Statesis the birthplaceof jazz, blues, country, soul andrap.
12.Instead ofSaintsHalloween,this custom wasadoptedslowlyand at home,fortunately, notreplacing it.
13.Permittedalcohol contentdepending on the stateandcountyfrom 0.0to 1per mil
14.Couplescan nothave sexin the car, unlessit is parkedon thesitethat belongsto them.
15.W seksie dozwolona jest tylko i wyłącznie pozycja misjonarska. Każda inna jest nielegalna.