December 2018 1 23 Report
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ROZWIĄŻ ZADANIA : A Uzupełnij podane definicje poprawnymi nazwami urządzeń. digital radio games console HD TV satellite TV satnav smartphone tablet PC 1 You can use it listen to lots of stations around the world. It tells you the name of the song that’s playing. __________ 2 You can use it to receive hundreds of channels of your choice. __________ 3 It’s a small a computer that fits in your bag, but not i n your pocket! __________ 4 You can use it to help you find the way when you’re driving. __________ 5 You can use it to send text messages, make calls and surf the Internet. __________ B Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami. create deactivate log on post update upload 1 You need to ____________ an account to buy things from that website. 2 Can you help me ____________ my holiday photos to my web page? 3 I can’t ____________ to this website. It keeps blocking my password. 4 Mum told me to ____________ my social networking profiles because I was using them too much. 5 I’m going to ____________ a message on my blog and see if any of my friends can help me organise my C Uzupełnij dialog związany z udzielaniem rad podany mi wyrazami. carnival couple interested recommend should sights wondering Lucy: Hi! We’re in town for a(n) 1____________ of days and we’d like some information about what to see. I nformation office: Sure. What are you 2____________ in? Lucy: Well, I like history. IO: In that case, I 3____________ a visit to the museum. It has some great things. Lucy: Ok, great. And is there a(n) 4____________ on at the moment LO: Oh, yes! It’s our annual festival. You 5____________ definitely go to that! Lucy: Thanks. That sounds fun. D Podkreśl poprawny czasownik modalny. 1 You must / needn’t take your shoes off when you come in, or the carpets will get dirty. 2 Shh! We mustn’t / needn’t wake my little brother. He’ll start crying. 3 We must / mustn’t buy some flowers for Jane’s mum. It’s polite to bring something when you visit someone. 4 We must / needn’t hurry. My aunt is never ready on time. 5 In some cultures you mustn’t / must eat everything on your plate. It’s polite to leave something. G Uzupełnij luki używając przymiotników podanych w nawiasie, enough lub too. 1 The new James Bond is _______ (good) the last actor. 2 This film’s _______ (scary) for me. I’m leaving. 3 Have you had _______ (food)? I don’t want you to be hungry. 4 It’s _______ (hot) in here. Can you turn the heating down ? 5 She looks very young but she’s _______ (old) my mum! 6 The water isn’t _______ (warm) to go swimming. You’ll freeze! 7 The new comedy series isn’t _______ (popular) the first one. 8 I’d like a new DVD recorder but it’s _______ (expensive). 9 Did you spend _______ (time) on this homework? 10 I’m not _______ (good at English) Maria. H Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź. A monster of a film Have you seen any of the first cartoons – Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, and the feature films such as Snow White, Jungle Book and so on? Animated films have come a long way from the traditional animation of those early days. Monster House, which came out in 2006, was the latest example of modern animation films that year. Traditional cartoons only use actors’ voices, but the newest animation technique, called ‘performance capture’, films the actors’ movements and then puts animation on top of this. The first film to use this technique was The Polar Express starring Tom Hanks. The techniques in Monster Housewere even cleverer and the film is very realistic and interesting. Monster House is about a house that is alive and eats people, and three teenagers who have to stop it. Although it’s an animated film it is quite scary, especially when the house gets angry. It isn’t recommended for young children, but if you are older and want to see a film that is sad, scary, funny and very clever, then Monster House is the film for you! 1Animated films today A are like Tom and Jerry B are very similar to old ones. C use modern techniques. D use traditional techniques. 2 Traditional cartoons A have real people in them. B use unusual techniques. C use actors’ voices. D are short. 3 Monster House A is better than The Polar Express B isn’t very realistic. C was a new type of animated film. D was the first modern cartoon. 4 Monster House is about A three teenagers who fight a house. B three teenagers who live in a strange house. C three teenagers who eat people. D a house that eats three teenagers 5 Monster Houseis a good film for A adults only. B all the family. C very young children. D older children

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