September 2018 1 27 Report

Wazon na kwiaty ma kształt ostrosłupa prawidłowego czworokątnego , którego pole podstawy wynosi 400 cm 2 , a wysokość ściany bocznej 26. Oblicz pojemność tego wazonu.Wynik podaj w litrach.

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Uzupełnij tekst wpisując w lukę wyraz w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do tekstu.Tekst 1)wyrazy : propable ,ill, inject, feel , hurt , poison , throwD: Good Morning , Mrs Telford. What's the matter with you today ?Mrs. T. :Good morning ,doctor.Well I woke up in the middle of the night and ___________ terrible.D: In what war ?T : I was sweating and then I _____________up.D:What had you eaten the day before ?T: My husband and I went to a restaurant.He had fish and I had chicken.D:Hmm . Perhaps you had food _________.Did you see any blood on the chicken ?T:It was a bit red , actually.D:well , it's good that you managed to get rid of it when you were sick.You're ____________all right now but I'll just test your blood. Are you going to give me an _________?T: Just a small one.There,that _________ did it ?Tekst 2)wyrazy: careful, Brazil, cheap, shop, pick, week, wonderA lot of people ask me where they should get their fruit and vegetables from.I know that supermarkets are __________ than small shops but I never buty my fruit and vegetables there because I don't think they are very fresh.My favourite place to do my _____ food schoping is my local from shop.When you buy your fruit and vegetables tehre you may be sure that they ______from the fields that day.They have also been sorted _____so that there are no bad ones in the bottom of yours bas (as it sometimes hoppens when shopping in the supermarket).Although prices in local shops are higher the service is better and the food tastes ______.The choice is smaller but in these days global warning.It is good for the planet if we only eat local food and stop buying South African grapes or _____mangoes.Tekst 3)wyrazy : agent, find , good , look , pay , teenage , work .Are you ____________ for work?Do you want to do something to help your local community?The HelpingHandsJob _____ can help you. We help local ______to find interesting and rewarding work. This is generally unpaid , voluntary work but you may get a small amount of pocket money for some jobs and you will get your travel to and from work paid as well as meals while working. In the last year we ________ work for over two thousand young people all over Britain in old people's homes , orphanages ,children's people ______for us for several years.Come to us today.Have fun , help others and give yourself a much _______CV which will help you in the future.

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