W czasopiśmie anglojęzycznym ukazał się artykuł zachęcający do kupowania małym dzieciom zwierząt pod choinkę. Napisz do redakcji list komentujący ten artykuł.
* Podaj gdzie przeczytałeś ten artykuł i jaki problem on porusza
*napisz jakie odczucia wzbudził w tobie i jak zareagowali twoi znajomi
*wyraz swoje zdanie na temat kupowania zwierząt pod choinkę dzieciom i podaj przykład na jego uzasadnienie
*wyraz nadzieje ze twój list zostanie opublikowany i zachęć innych czytelników do wyrażenia swoich poglądów.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear redaction,
At the beginning, I read this article in the "English News". It's journal from Oxford. I liked "English News", but when I read this article I was bad. It was about gifts for a children. Some people wrote: "Buy animal for your kid, because now they are Christmas Holidays!". I was shocked and...sad. People don't understand that animal is NOT a toy. Animals has a life, like people. In my opinion it is very selfish. Little kid can't care of animal. Parents are buying a sweet, little cat or dog, but later? If a cat/dog will be big? If your kid will think that the toy is not sweet and little, will kick him to a rubbish. Please, stop it. You have to wait and think! Go to the street and look. If you find some homeless dog or cat, look at his eyes-he was sweet and little like your toy in the house. Be a human.
I hope that this letter will be in the journal. Many friends are thinking like me and I'm glad. Dear redaction, dear readers, I'm writing to you. Please, think about it.