W czasie pobytu w Londynie pomagasz stacji telewizyjnej, w której masz praktyki. Masz zorganizować casting do programu telewizyjnego dla młodzieży. W rozmowie ze znajomym:
-opisz wyglad osób, których szukacie
-opisz umiejętności, jakie te osoby powinny posiadać
-zapytaj, czy znajomy może ci kogoś polecić
Opowiadasz znajomym z Anglii o swoim spotkaniu ze sławną osobą.
-opowiedz o okolicznościach waszego spotkania
-opisz przebieg spotkania
-opisz swoje wrażenia z tego spotkania
Jesteś na obozie językowym w Irlandii. Wasz nauczyciel poprosił, abyście w parach wybrali Osobowość Roku. W rozmowie z koleżanką z grupy:
-dokonaj wyboru i podaj uzasadnienie
-wyraż zdziwienie wyborem koleżanki
-zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie
Twój przyjaciel z Kanady chciałby kupić nowoczesny apartament w duzym mieście w Polsce. Prosi Cie o radę
-opisz apartament, który mógłby zainteresować twojego przyjaciela
-podaj przyjacielowi orientacyjną cenę apartamentu
-podaj adres biura nieruchomości, które może mu pomóc w transakcji
W trakcie zagranicznej wycieczki zwiedziłaś nietypowy budynek. Opowiadasz o nim koleżance z Londynu
-opowiedz jak wyglądał budynek
-opowiedz co nieoczekiwanego zdarzyło się podczas zwiedzania budynku
-opisz swoje uczucia związane z wizytą w budynku
Jesteś na stypendium w Finlandii. Dzielisz pokój z inna osobą i oboje chcecie coś w waszym pokoju zmienić, ale macie na ten temat inne zdanie
-przedstaw swoją propozycję zmian
-odrzuć propozycję koleżanki
-zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-Hi Mike!
-Hello! What are you doing here?
-I'm looking for people who want to make a career in a television. I haven't got any idea who I can take on this casting.
-Hmm. What do you thing about Carl? He is very smart.
-Hmm I don't think he will be good. This person must tall and elegant. And it will be good if this person has blond hair and blue eyes. And also he must wear fashionable clothes.
-Ok. So maybe Ann?
-Oh no! It must be very sociable person. She is very sensitive. I think she adequately to this job.
-Oh so maybe Caroline. I think she has got all of this features.
-Yes I think you're right. I call her later. Thank you very much!
When I was in England I met Kristen Stewart. It was really amazing expearance. I like her so much so I was very happy when I saw her. It was on 22th of September. There was a very big party. I was looking for her but I couldn't find her. Everywhere there were lots of paparazzi. Suddenly I saw her. She was behind Johny Depp. I was very surprised. I went to her and I said that I am one of her funs. She smiled to me and gave me an autograph. It was amazing! I never forget it!
-I think I will vote for Kate.
-What? I am going to vote for Amanda! I was thinking about it and she is the best candidate.
-I don't think so Kate is very sociable and nice. Why do you want to vote for Amanda? I think she thinks only about herself!
-You are wrong! She always help us when we have got any problem.
-Ok. But we can't argue. maybe both of us will vote for Caroline? She is very nice person too.
-Yes, I think it's good idea!
-Hi! I want to buy a penthouse in New York but I can't decide what I should buy.
-Hmmm I was in aproperty office last week and they have some interesting offers. For example I saw one penthouse at 10 Oxford Street. It was amazing. It has 2 bathroom 2 living rooms 1 bedroom 1 kitchen and 1 dining room. When you look out of the window you see forests and lakes. You can admire beautiful views.
-But I don't have a car now.
-You don't have to worry. There are lots of buses.
-Can you give me an adress to this office please?
-Yes of course. It is at 14 Bluberry Street.
-Thank you very much!
When I was in London I saw very strange building. I thought in this building live ghosts. I and my friend Lisa went to this building. We want to visit this place so one day we went there. When we came into this house we saw that it is a museum. But there was one strange room. We went there and suddenly a very big black cat started to run and a ghost appear. We was very scary. We shouted very loud. And suddenly somebody turn on the lights. It was only illusion. It was very funny experience but when I was in this room I didn't think so.
-I think we should paint the walls.
-I don;t think so. This colour is ok. In my opinion we should change this ferniture. They are terrible.
-What? You must be joking!
-No! I said it really serious.
-Oh no! this feniuture are ok! I don;t want to change it.
-Ok so what do you think what we should change?
-Hmmm so maybe we buy a new table and we paint the bathroom?
-Yes I think it is very good idea.