November 2018 1 398 Report
Uzupełnij poniższy tekst słowem utworzonym od słowa podanego na marginesie (w nawiasie), tak aby tekst stał się spójny i gramatycznie poprawny.
Proszę o wpisanie słów, których niem mam i sprawdzenie czy to, co wpisałam, jest dobrze.

Sacred places
Since prehistoric times, sacred places have benn a 1.mysterious (mystery) attraction for billions of people around the world. Ancient legends and modern reports tell of 2.extraordinary (ordinary) things that have happened to people while visiting these places. Different sacred sites have different 3.healing (heal) powers. They may 4.enlighten (light) the mind, increase creativity, develop psychic abilities, and awaken the soul to 5.......(know) about its true purpose in life. While contemporary science cannot explain - and therefore 6........(regard) - the seemingly miracoulous phenomena which occur at these holy places, they continue to be the most respected and visited 7.locations (locate) on planet Earth. what is the key to the mystery of the sacred sites and now are we to explain their powers?

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