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NIedawno pomagałaś koledze w zorganizowaniu wystawy jego prac fotograficznych. w rozmowie ze znajomym z londynu opowiedz: o waszych przygotowaniach do wystawy, o przebiegu wystawy, o swoich wrazeniach z wystawy.
You: You know a few weeks ago I helped my friend who is a keen photographer to prepare an exibition of his works in our local community centre.
Your friend: Wow! That sounds interestnig. What did you do?
Your friend: And how did the eibition go?
Your friend: What did you think of the event?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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You: Well, I looked at all of my friends' pictures. There were over 1000 of them! Then I chose the best 100. Then I arranged them according to a theme for the exhibition.
You: We rented an art gallery in town and we displayed his pictures. Then we invited everyone in the art world. Almost 50 people came!
You: I think the event went very well. People were interested in his pictures. He sold 20 pictures during the exhibit.