Trzeba uzupełnić odpowiednimi wyrazami: aid, disease, habit, illness, practitioner, room, service, theatre.
1.How many people in your group are able to give first........if someone needs help in the accident?
2.What you know? Whichj ones have you suffered from? 3.What does it mean that someone has healthy eating....................? 4.Have you ever been in an a patient or visitor? Why were you there?
5.When you are in the waiting...................before a visit to a doctor, do you talk other patients or rather do something else, like read for example? Why?
6.How many times a year do you go to see a general.......?
7.What fatal...........can you name?
8.What kind of treatment does your health insurance cover in the polish public health...?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. aid.
2. illness.
3. habit.
4. theater.
5. room.
6. practitioner.
7. disease.
8. service.
1. - aid
2. - illness
3. - habit
4. - theater
5. - room
6. - practitioner
7. - disease
8. - service