Tolong donk terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris dalam bentuk past tense ya dan tandai past tense nya yang mana ya ?
Siapa sih yang nggak pernah main bola bekel? Kalau beneran nggak pernah, kebangetan deh masa kecil kalian. Bola bekel atau istilah jawanya "bekelan" bisa bikin kita kecanduan abis kalau sering menang. Apalagi kalau udah bisa main sambil dimodifikasi dengan tepuk tangan, ngambil bekel secara ganda dan lain-lain. Bola bekel ini juga mainan wajib yang dibawa ke sekolah. Sambil nunggu jam istirahat, biasanya aku dan beberapa teman lainnya duduk melingkar di depan kelas dan bermain bola bekel hingga bel masuk berbunyi nyaring.
Bola bekel nggak cuma identik sama anak perempuan, banyak banget temenku yang cowok juga ikut nimbrung main. Dan tangan mereka nggak kalah lincah daripada anak-anak cewek yang jarinya lebih luwes. Bola bekel selain praktis dan murah harganya, permainannya pun melatih anak buat sportif. Ada kalanya kan main sambil nunggu giliran, ada anak yang nakal sengaja mengganggu temannya saat bermain hingga akhirnya si bola jatuh. Dan terjadilah kegegeran ataupun pertengkaran. Alhasil jatohnya pun pada acara "bolo-boloan". Teman yang nakal dikucilkan sementara waktu sampai ia mau meminta maaf. Duuuh, bener-bener murni deh persahabatan anak kecil!
Who does'n ever play ball jacks? if true never, really supercharge your childhood. The ball jacks in Javanese term "bekelan" can make us addicted at all if often win. Especially if you can already play modified by applause , took the jacks are double and others . Ball toy jacks is also mandatory that brought to school . While waiting for an hour break , usually I and other friends sat in a circle in the front of the class and play ball jacks until the bell rang out . This game not only identical girls ,also very much a guy my friends also joined in to play. And do not hand them less agile than the girls are more flexible fingers. Ball Armed other practical and less costly, the game was to train children for sport. There are times when you play while waiting in line, no naughty child accidentally disturb her while playing until the ball drops. And there was clamor or strife. As a result fell on the "mate-alliances". Friends naughty temporarily excluded until he had apologized. Ouch, how a true children's friendship it is
This game not only identical girls ,also very much a guy my friends also joined in to play. And do not hand them less agile than the girls are more flexible fingers. Ball Armed other practical and less costly, the game was to train children for sport. There are times when you play while waiting in line, no naughty child accidentally disturb her while playing until the ball drops. And there was clamor or strife. As a result fell on the "mate-alliances". Friends naughty temporarily excluded until he had apologized. Ouch, how a true children's friendship it is