Studiujesz za granicą od niedawna uczestniczysz w zajeciach hiszpanskiego chcesz przekonac kolegę aby wziął udział w tych zajęciach omów 4 kwestie .
-Terminy zajęc i lektorzy
-Sposób prowadzenia zajęc
-atmosfera zajęc
-korzysci z nauki jezyka Hiszpańskiego
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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hello, there is a matter I am attending classes from the Spanish. classes are at school once during the week for the hour but more precisely on Friday just after our lessons.teachers are very understanding and patient classes are being conducted alternately by the teacher and pupils so that it is more funnily. along with work records during classes so textbooks are being handed out you must not buy nothing on classes nobody is mocking you and everyone are willing to help when you aren't coping with sth so there is an organised trip to Spain on the following year of studies it is worthwhile enrolling in order to learn this tongue apart from that you have an additional educated tongue what will be welcome on the CV how you will think speak to me.
I am greeting you