Proszę o sprawdzenie ewentualnych błędów i naniesienie poprawek oraz jeśli czegoś brakuje napisanie czego. ;)
Właśnie wróciłeś/wróciłaś z wycieczki z Londynu, gdzie poznałeś/poznałaś mieszkającą tam ciotkę. W wiadomości e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki :
- napisz, w jakich okolicznościach spotkaliście/spotkałyście się z ciotką ,
- opisz, co ci się w niej najbardziej podoba ,
- napisz jakie masz z nią związane plany na przyszły rok .
Hi Karolina!
How are you?
I’ve just come from London. I knew my aunt there.
When my parents and I were eating spaghetti in restaurant, they introduced me my aunt- Barbara. I very like her. She’s so funny! I love her clothes. She always wears bright T-shirt and yellow, red or green jeans.
In next summer aunt, parents and I are going to go to French. We’ll go to shopping and theatre. I can't wait!
How was your holiday? Drop me a line if you have time.
CU soon, XYZ
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Karolina!
How are you?
I’ve just come from London. I have my aunt there.
When my parents and I were eating spaghetti in restaurant, they introduced me my aunt- Barbara. I like her so much. She’s so funny! I love her clothes. She always wears bright T-shirt and yellow, red or green jeans.
In next summer aunt, parents and me are going to go to French. We’ll go shopping and theatre. I can't wait!
How was your holiday? Drop me a line if you have time.
CU soon, XYZ
Hi Karolina!
How are you?
I’ve just come from London. I met my aunt there.
When my parents and I were eating spaghetti in a restaurant, they introduced me my aunt - Barbara. I liked her very much. She’s so funny! I love her clothes. She always wears bright T-shirts and yellow, red or green jeans.
In the next summer I'm going to France with her and my parents. We’ll go shopping and to a theatre there. I can't wait!
How was your holiday? Drop me a line if you have time.
CU soon,
Tak jest poprawnie i tak to powinno brzmieć.