October 2018 2 27 Report

Proszę o sprawdzenie ewentualnych błędów i naniesienie poprawek oraz jeśli czegoś brakuje napisanie czego. ;)


Właśnie wróciłeś/wróciłaś z wycieczki z Londynu, gdzie poznałeś/poznałaś mieszkającą tam ciotkę. W wiadomości e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki :

- napisz, w jakich okolicznościach spotkaliście/spotkałyście się z ciotką ,

- opisz, co ci się w niej najbardziej podoba ,

- napisz jakie masz z nią związane plany na przyszły rok .

Hi Karolina!

How are you?

I’ve just come from London. I knew my aunt there.

When my parents and I were eating spaghetti in restaurant, they introduced me my aunt- Barbara. I very like her. She’s so funny! I love her clothes. She always wears bright T-shirt and yellow, red or green jeans.

In next summer aunt, parents and I are going to go to French. We’ll go to shopping and theatre. I can't wait!

How was your holiday? Drop me a line if you have time.

CU soon, XYZ

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20 PKT DO ZDOBYCIA!Dobra, kolejny tekst do przetłumaczenia, tym razem z angielskiego na nasze ;)OCZYWIŚCIE, BEZ TRANSLATORÓW [!] [!] [!]Jeśli ktoś użyje translatora to od razu zgłaszam. Z góry thx.When I was waiting to buy ice cream at a beach community near The Big Apple two months ago, I overheard something I haven’t been able to forget.A 10- 11-year-oldboy standing in front of me made a smirky comment to his friends about how there were “too many gooks and coons around.”He was most likely referring to my 7-year-old daughter, who is adopted from South Korea. Luckily she didn’t hear what he said. But I did-and I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know the kid, and his parents weren’t around. I told myself that it wouldn’t accomplish anything and that it was none of my business. And I wasn’t sure what to say in any event. My first impulse-“Do your helicopter parents know what a racist little monster you are?”- seemed a bit harsh. So I kept my mouth shut – and I still regret it.I had bought into one of the many parenting taboos that have sprung up since I was a kid: no correction other people’s offspring. Maybe if it’s your best friend’s kid, or a child who is at a playdate at your house, you can politely suggest than throwing sand is a bad idea. But when I asked if it’s ever appropriate to discipline other people’s kids on a message board at urbanbaby.com, posters recoiled.”Big No,” was one typical response. Others said not unless a child is in physical danger.

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