Przetłumaczyć na j. angielski:
1. Zaletami mieszkania w wiosce jest spokój, cisza oraz znajomość dużej ilości ludzi.
2. Wadami mieszkania w wiosce jest niewielka szansa znalezienia pracy, mała ilość miejsc rozrywki oraz mały wybór szkół.
Oraz odpowiedzi na pytania:
1.Do you want to live where you are now for the rest of your life? - Nie chcę, ponieważ nic tu się nie dzieje, chce znaleźć pracę oraz iść na studia.
2. Have you lived in the same place all your life? - tak mieszkam
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Advantages of living in the village is quiet and silence and knowing a lot of people.
2. Disadvantages of living in the village is a little chance of finding a job, a little quantity of entertainment places and a small choice of schools.
1.Do you want to live where you are now for the rest of your life? -No, I don't want to live here for the rest of my life, because there's nothing going on here and I want to get a job and get the academic education.
2. Have you lived in the same place all your life? - Yes, I have lived in the same place all my life.
1. The advantages of living in the village is in peace, silence and the knowledge of a large number of people.
2. The disadvantages of living in the village is a small chance of finding work, a small number of places of entertainment and a small selection of schools.
1. I do not want, because nothing ever happens here, I want to find work and go to college.
2. Yes live