September 2018 1 19 Report

Przetłumacz w Present Continuous.

1.Czekamy na naszą siostrę.

2.Czy twoi sąsiedzi nadal śpią?

3.Ich pies goni naszego kota.

4.Już nie pada, możemy wyjść.

5.Spójrz ktoś kradnie twój samochód.

6.Co czytasz ?

7.Nie jemy dziś obiadu.

8.Ty zawsze gubisz klucze, mam już tego dość.

9.Dobrze się bawisz ?

10.Dlaczego ten chłopiec płacze ?

11.Nie idę z wami do kina.

12.Co się tutaj dzieje?

13.Marek sprząta swoje biurko.

14.Z czego się śmiejecie.

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Prosze o przetłumaczenie, bez użycia translatora !!Sunshine!! In a poor district near Lima a young man steps out of his home - a tiny house with a plastic roof. He looks up at the early morning sky. Another day with no sunshine. The weather has been terrible recently. he can't remember the lats time he saw the sun . Heavy grey clouds fill the sky and his heart feels cold with sadness.There's no sunshine when she's gone he thinks There's only darkness every day. And she hasn't called for so long He wonders if she's one for ever He tries to imagine life without her. What if she stays over there in Madrid cleaning the houses oh the rich? He turns as he hears a noise; one of the children is waking up. They miss her so much the house just isn't a home without her Every day ask him, "When is mama coming home?" And what can he say? One day. Soon my baby And why isn't she here papa? Why? Because they need the money, and there are no jobs and over there she can earn in a day what you earn here in a month. It isn't easy to feed five hungry children But it isn't easy for them to live without their mother either. He sighs. Time to wake them up and get them ready for school. he knows many people who send their children to work, to wash cars or to beg but she has always said that her children must get an education. But it's hard. he misses her too He misses her smile her voice the songs she sings even when things look black And he knows she loves him But why hasn't she called? Perhaps she's forgotten them. Perhaps she's decided to stay there. Perhaps she's found someone else. he feels like crying but he can't Not in front of the children. A dog starts barking he turns back to the house to start another day. Suddenly, a ray of sunshine breaks through the clouds and lights up the doorway just as Veronica steps through the door He feels the warm sun on his back. The little girl has just woken up and is rubbing sleep from her eyes. She looks so like her mother She yawns and he hears her mother's voice. He hears his name 'Nacho!Nacho!' Is Veronica speaking? Behind him he hears footsteps. He turns round. The sun is too bright and he can't see clearly. He puts his hand up to hiseyes and then thinks, ' I haven't woken up! I'm still dreaming!' But then Veronica shouts out 'Mama!' And he knows that sometimes dreams some true.

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