Przetłumacz na język angielski:
1. Nie mogę znaleźć zeszytu, który zwykle zabieram na lekcję angielskiego.
2. Czy Max był w domu kiedy przyjmowaliście(mieliście) gości?
3. O której godzinie on zwykle wraca z biura?
4. My nie chcieliśmy jeść tych bułek na śniadanie, ponieważ one nie były świeże.
5. On zwykle pożycza cukier od nas.
6. Czy Cindy rozmawiała z tobą wczoraj o siódmej wieczorem?
7. Jack nie miał żadnych książek kiedy był w klubie.
8. Ona nigdy nie pamięta o moich urodzinach.
9. Kiedy wróciłem z koncertu mama rozmawiała z sąsiadką w ogrodzie.
10. Pospieszcie się! Robi się ciemno i musimy wracać do domu.
11. Czy on często chodzi do dentysty?
12. Muszę zatelefonować do Roberta, aby z nim porozmawiać.
13. Wczoraj o dziesiątej wieczorem siedzieliśmy przy stole i graliśmy w karty. 14. Musisz założyć sweter ponieważ na dworze jest zimno.
15. Czy możemy zabrać wasze dzieci do parku?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I can not find the notebook, which usually I take a lesson in English.
Is Max was at home when you accepted (had) score?
What time does he usually comes back from the office?
We did not want to eat these buns for breakfast, because they were not fresh.
He usually borrows sugar from us.
Is Cindy spoke with you yesterday at seven in the evening?
Jack did not have any books when he was at the club.
She never forgets my birthday.
When I returned from the concert mother spoke with a neighbor in the garden.
Hurry up! It's getting dark and we have to go home.
Does he often goes to the dentist?
I have to call to Robert to talk to him.
Yesterday at ten in the evening we sat at a table and played cards.
You have to wear a sweater because it's cold.
Can we take your children to the park?
1. I can't find notebook which I used to take for English lessons.
2. Have Max been in the house when we have guests.?
3. At what time he used to come back from office.
4. We hadn't eaten this rolls for breakfast, because she don;t be fresh.
5. He used to borrow sugar from us.
6. Did Cindy talk with you at 7.p.m?
7. Jack don't have any books when he was in the club.
8. She never remember about my birthday.
9. When I come back from concert, mum was talking with neighbor in the garden.
10. Hurry up! It's going to darkness and we must come back home.
11. Does he often go to the dentist.?
12. I must call to Robert to talk with he.
13. Yesterday, at 10.p.m we are sitting at the table, ang playing cards.
14. You must wear sweeter because outdoors is cold.
15. Can we take yours children to the park.?