Przetłumacz na język angielski:
1. Czy Tom siedział w klubie wczoraj o szóstej wieczorem?
2. Ile sklepów jest na tej ulicy?
3. Oni pili kawę i rozmawiali kiedy ja tam byłem.
4. George mówi, że Alice jest najbardziej atrakcyjną dziewczyną w szkole.
5. Jemu nie wolno wychodzić z domu po dziesiątej.
6. Wszyscy przychodzą tutaj, aby napić sie wody mineralnej.
7. Harry dał mi tę książkę w czytelni, a wczoraj miałem ją w szkole.
8. Dlaczego on zwykle uczy się w ogrodzie?
9. Ona często spotyka swoich sąsiadów na ulicy kolejowej kiedy wraca z pracy.
10. Czy znałeś pana Hensona kiedy mieszkałeś w Bostonie?
11. Oni nie mogli przyjść do nas wczoraj, ponieważ byli zbyt zajęci.
12. Czy ty musisz wstać o piątej rano, aby pojechać do Leeds?
13. James idzie teraz do restauracji, aby zjeść obiad.
14. Zapomniałem zabrać te dokumenty, ponieważ spieszyłem się di biura.
15. Czy George dał Ci jakieś płyty kompaktowe dwa dni temu?
16. Gdzie położyłeś wczoraj moje okulary?
17. Piotr nigdy nie czyta gazet.
18. Czy dziecko spało, kiedy wy słuchaliście muzyki?
19. On mówi, że też chce kupić nowy samochód.
20. Wolno mi jeść wszystko z wyjątkiem słodyczy.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.Did Tom sat in the club yesterday at six o'clock in the evening?
2. How many shops are on this street?
3. They drank coffee and talked when I was there.
4. George says that Alice is the most attractive girl at school.
5. He mustn't leave the house after ten o'clock.
6. We all come here to drink mineral water.
7. Harry gave me this book in the reading room, and yesterday I had it in school.
8. Why he usually learns in the garden?
9. She often meets his neighbors on the Kolejowa street when she come back to home from work.
10. Did you know Mr. Henson when you lived in Boston?
11. They couldn't come to us yesterday because they were too busy.
12. Do you have to get up at five in the morning to go to Leeds?
13. James goes to a restaurant now to eat lunch.
14. I forgot to take those documents, because I hurry to the office.
15. Is George gave you any CDs two days ago?
16. Where you have put my glasses yesterday?
17. Peter had never read newspapers.
18. Does the child was asleep, when you listened to music?
19. He says that he wants to buy a new car too.
20. I am allowed to eat anything except sweets.
1. Did Tom sit in a club at 6 p.m yesterday?
2. How many shops are in this street?
3. They were drinking a coffee and talking, when i was there.
4. George says, that Alice ist the most attractive girl in school.
5. He can't go out after 10 pm
6. Everybody comes here to drink a mineral water
7. Harry gaveme this book in a reading room and I had it in school
8. Why he usually learns in a garden?
9. She often meets her neighbors in a railway street when she came back from a work
10. Did you know Mr Henson, when you lived in Boston?
11 They couldn't come to us yesterday, because they were busy.
12 Doyou have toget upat five inthe morning togoto Leeds?
13 James is goinf to a restaurant to eat his lunch
14 i forgot to take these documents, because i hurry to the office
15 Did Georgegive yousomeCDstwo days ago?
16 Where did you placed my glasses?
17 Peter never reads newspappers
18 Was the child sleeping, when you listened to music?
19 He says. that he want to buy a new car
20 I can eat everything besides sweets