Przetumacz mi to na język angielski.TYLKO NIE Z TRANSLATORUU.!!!!!!!!BO ODRAZU ZGŁASZAM.!!
Jestem na zakupach,na wyprzedazy w nowym sklepie:"Floo".Kiedy was nie było odwiedziła mnie jakaś niezajoma dzieczyna.Była to ysoka szczupła brunetka.Miała na imie Sara.Strasznie płakała i nie powiedziała co sie stało.
Strasznie zrobiło mi sie żal tej dzieczyny.Reszte albo dokłądnie opowiem wam jak wróce.
Buziaczki ;*
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm shopping, on sale in the new store: "Floo." When you visited me there was some strange girl. It was a tall slender brunette. Her name Sara.Strasznie cried and did not say what happened.
I felt terribly sorry for this girl. The rest, or tell you exactly how to come back.
I'm currently shopping, in this new "Floo" shop, there is a sale right now. When you weren't here, some mysterious girl visited me. She was tall, slim brunette. Her name was Sara. She was crying all the time and didn't told me what happened. I felt really sorry for her. I'll tell you everything when you i get back.