Zapraszamy do naszego nowo otwartego sklepu z pamiątkami..Sklep otwarty jest cały tydzień. Od poniedziałku do piątku sklep otwarty jest w godzinach od 7 rano do 10 wieczorem.W sobote i w niedziele od 10 rano do 16 po południu.U nas znajdziesz fajną pamiątke z wakacji lub prezent dla kogos bliskiego.Dla siebie znajdziesz też wiele rzeczy które przydadzą Ci się podczas wakacji tutaj.Wiele map,przewodników czy ksiązki o naszym pieknym kraju.Sprzedawcy w sklepie mówią w 3 językach angielskim polskim i niemieckim,także nie będzie problemu z dogadaniem się.Jeżeli chodzi o pieniądze to przyjmujemy każdą walute.
Cześć Kate
Co tam u Ciebie?Jak w szkole?
Ostatnio mam ciągle problemy z komputerem i utraciłam wszystkie adresy zapisane w programie pocztowym.Wyślij do mnie e-mail abym miałą juz twój e-mail i wtedy będzie mogły wytsyłąć do siebie e-maile.Ostatnio dostałąm od taty nowy telefon.Długo na niego czekałąm.To mój numer:12345678.Jeżeli też masz telefon komórkowy to podaj mi prosze swój numer.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Welcome to our new open shop with souvenirs. The shop is opened a whole weekend. From Mondey to Friday shop is opened from 7 a.m to 10 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. In our shop you can find cool souvenir from your holidays or a present for someone close. You can find also a lot of useful things, which can be necessary during your holiday in here. A lot of maps, guides or books about our beautifut country. The shop assistants can speak in 3 leangauges; English, Polish and German, so it's not problem to get along. When it comes about money , we accept any currency.
Hello Kate
How are you? How in your school?
Recently I still have a problem with my computer and i lost my all adress , which was saved on e-mail programme. Send to me an e-mail that i have your e-mail and then we will be able to send e-mails. Recenty I have got new mobile phone from my dad. I have waited for it very long. That's my number; 12345678. If you have mobile phone, please give me your number.
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam ;)
We invite you to our newly opened souvenirs shop. The shop is opened for the whole week. It's opened from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 AM untill 10:00 PM. On Saturday and Sunday it's opened from 10:00 AM untill 4:00 PM. You will find a nice holiday souvenir here, or a gift for someone close. There are also many goodies useful during the holiday, available here for you. Many maps, guides or books about our beautiful country. Shop assistants speak 3 languages: English, Polish and German, so there will be no communication problem. Concerning money, we accept any currency.
Hi Kate,
What's new? How is school?
I have recently been having constant problems with the computer and I've lost all addresses stored in the e-mail program. Please send me an e-mail, so that I have your address already, then we can be sending e-mails to each other. I have recently got new telephone from my dad. I was waiting for it for a long time. My number is 12345678. If you have a mobile phone, please give me your number.