October 2018 2 18 Report

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Oblicz pole powierzchnie Graniastosłupa Czworokątnego o podstawie prostokąta , jeżeli krawedzie podstaw mają długość 20 cm i 60 cm a wysokość graniastosłupa 4 dm . ! Na jutro prosze

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Zadanie z Angielskiego Trzeba Prze tlumaczyc na Jezyk Polski , Błagam na jutro POMOCY : ] daje 70 pkt ;] Tourists visting Britain have found that things are a little different here. We drive on the left,for example,but in every other European country peple drive on the right. Britain was not part of Napoleon Bonaparte's empire when he made the rules for Europe's roads in the 19th century. Nowadays Britain is part of the European Union.In ahops and markets litres and kilos have replaced pints and pounds. But British people like tradition,and changes are not popular. The road signs here are in miles, not kilometres and Britain has not adopted the euro. In fact,a lot of British people like being different-it's part of our 'island personality'.Some British people also enjoy being eccentric, and around the country people also enjoy strange event or festival every month of the year. For example, if you go to Bognor Regis in July, you can see the annual 'Birdman' competition. People in the competition design strange clothes and wings. They must try to fly from the pier using their arms, their legs and their imagination.Motors are not permitted.At the moment the record is 89.2 metres, and the first person who flies 100 metres will win Funt 25,000. In Wales,in the smallest town in Britain, people have invented a new sport called 'bog snorkelling'.The annual bog snorkelling competition is in August, and people must swim underwater through 120 yards of cold, mudddy water.

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