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W dniu 9 marca 2010r. na ulicy Poznańskiej zderzyły się dwa samochody
osobowe i ciężarowy. Jeden z samochodów osobowych wpadł w poślizg wjeżdżając na drugi pas i uderzając w tira oraz drugi pojazd. Obydwa auta
osobowe są całkowicie zniszczone a ich kierowcy walczą o życie w szpitalu. Ciężarówka ma wgnieciony bok, a kierowca złamaną rękę i wstrząśnienie mózgu. Po zgłoszeniu wypadku karetka, policja oraz straż pożarna przyjechały w ciągu 3 minut. Wszystkich kierowców prosimy o ostrożność na drogach
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In day 9 March 2010r. on two crashed Poznańskiej street
personal cars and weight. One of personal cars fell in slide entering on second belt and hitting in lorry as well as second vehicle . Both personal cars are wears out and their driver entirely they fight about life in hospital. The lorry has the pressed in side, and the driver the broken hand and the wstrząśnienie of brain. After notification of incident the ambulance, police as well as they arrived in draught the fire guard 3 minutes. We ask about caution all drivers on roads.
In the day 9 March 2010r. two
personal cars crashed in Poznańskiej street and the weight. One of personal cars fell in the slide enter on second belt and hitting in the lorry and second vehicle. Both are
personal cars entirely worn out and their driver they fight for the life in the hospital. The lorry has the pressed in side, and the driver broken hand and the wstrząśnienie of the brain. Ambulance, police and fire guard arrived in the draught 3 minutes after notifying the incident. We ask all drivers for the caution on roads