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Największe i najstarsze polskie planetarium powstało w 1955 roku dla uczczenia pamięci wielkiego astronoma, Mikołaja Kopernika. Pod niebem planetarium,odbywają się popularne prelekcje astronomiczne, lekcje astronomii i geografii, a także inne zajęcia oraz różne spektakle. Obserwatorium astronomiczne jest wyposażone w największa w Polsce lunetę o 30-centymetrowym obiektywie i liczne mniejsze teleskopy.
W pogodne dni zwiedzający mogą obserwować Słońce, a po zapadnięciu zmierzchu - ciekawe obiekty nocnego nieba, oglądane nawet w 750-krotnym powiększeniu. Pracującym w planetarium astronomom teleskopy służą do śledzenia planetoid i komet.
Czas odmierza okazałych rozmiarów zegar słoneczny, usytuowany na dziedzińcu planetarium. Stacje klimatologiczna i sejsmologiczna pełnia regularną służbę obserwacyjną.
Dla uczniów o szczególnym zamiłowaniu do astronomii organizowane są krajowe olimpiady astronomiczne. Liczni amatorzy realizują swe astronomiczne pasje w kołach zainteresowań i w Śląskim Oddziale Polskiego Towarzystwa Miłośników Astronomii, korzystając z wszelkich atrakcji planetarium, w tym również z biblioteki dysponującej ponad 10 tysiącami książek i czasopism.
The largest and oldest Polish Planetarium was founded in 1955 to commemorate the great astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. At the planetarium sky, held popular astronomy lectures, lessons in astronomy and geography, and other activities and various performances. Astronomical observatory is equipped with the largest telescope in Poland by 30-cm lens and numerous smaller telescopes.
On sunny days, visitors can watch the sun, and at dusk - the interesting objects night sky, as seen even in the 750-times magnification. Working in a planetarium astronomers used telescopes to track asteroids and comets.
Duration measures the impressive size sundial, located in the courtyard of the planetarium. Climatologic seismologic stations and full service regular observation.
For students with a special passion for astronomy Olympiad organized national astronomical. Many enthusiasts pursuing their passion in astronomical circles of interest and the Silesian Branch of Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers, using the planetarium, all the attractions, including the library possesses more than 10 thousand books and periodicals.
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The largest and oldest Polish Planetarium was founded in 1955 to commemorate the great astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. At the planetarium sky, held popular astronomy lectures, lessons in astronomy and geography, and other activities and various performances. Astronomical observatory is equipped with the largest telescope in Poland by 30-cm lens and numerous smaller telescopes.
On sunny days, visitors can watch the sun, and at dusk - the interesting objects night sky, as seen even in the 750-times magnification. Working in the planetarium astronomers used telescopes to track asteroids and comets.
Duration measures the impressive size sundial, located in the courtyard of the planetarium. Climatologic seismologic stations and full service regular observation.
For students with a special passion for astronomy Olympiad organized national astronomical. Many enthusiasts pursuing their passion in astronomical circles of interest and the Silesian Branch of Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers, using the planetarium, all the attractions, including the library possesses more than 10 thousand books and periodicals.
On sunny days, visitors can watch the sun, and at dusk - the interesting objects night sky, as seen even in the 750-times magnification. Working in a planetarium astronomers used telescopes to track asteroids and comets.
Duration measures the impressive size sundial, located in the courtyard of the planetarium.
Climatologic seismologic stations and full service regular observation.
For students with a special passion for astronomy Olympiad organized national astronomical. Many enthusiasts pursuing their passion in astronomical circles of interest and the Silesian Branch of Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers, using the planetarium, all the attractions, including the library possesses more than 10 thousand books and periodicals.
On sunny days, visitors can watch the sun, and at dusk - the interesting objects night sky, as seen even in the 750-times magnification. Working in the planetarium astronomers used telescopes to track asteroids and comets.
Duration measures the impressive size sundial, located in the courtyard of the planetarium.
Climatologic seismologic stations and full service regular observation.
For students with a special passion for astronomy Olympiad organized national astronomical. Many enthusiasts pursuing their passion in astronomical circles of interest and the Silesian Branch of Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers, using the planetarium, all the attractions, including the library possesses more than 10 thousand books and periodicals.