Mam wiele wspomnień z dzieciństwa często kiedy jeździłam na wieś do dziadków bawiłam się w piratów, przyczepka była statkiem wokół niej była woda a deseczki porozrzucane na podwórku to szczątki innych statków z którymi toczyłam bój, Moim przeciwnikiem była koza, która zjadła nam miśka. Bieganie po łące zabawa w odkrywców zdobywające obce lądy, skakanie przez rowy pełne wody były moimi ulubionymi zabawami. Pamiętam również jak błagałam rodziców o zwierzątko, często oglądałam programy przyrodnicze i chciałam mieć króliczka. Któregoś dnia moja mama zabrała mnie do sklepu i pozwoliła wybrać takiego jaki mi się podoba. Długo wybierałam lecz do domu zabrałam białego jak śnieg o niebieskich oczkach najmniejszego ze wszystkich. Nazywał się Trusiek kupiłam mu smycz i chodziłam do parku, z poczatku bałam sie go brać w ręce ponieważ mnie strasznie drapał i wiercił się lecz potem przełamałam swój strach kupowałam mu sztuczne lody lecz on zamiast tych smakołyków najbardziej lubiał makaron z rosołu, który moja mama zawsze mu szykowała zamiast marchewki. Trusiek był moim najlepszym przyjacielem często lezał w moim łóżku i lubiał jak się go głaskało po uszach
My unforgettable remembrance with childhood
I have with childhood many remembrances often when I went to the country to grandfathers I played in pirates, the trailer was round her the ship she was strewed on yard water of and board then remnants of different ships from which I rolled fear, the goat was My enemy, which ate us the bear. Running after meadow party in discoverers winning strange lands, jumping through ditches full waters were my favourite parties. I remember also how I begged about little animal parents, I looked at natural programmes often and I wanted to have bunny. Some day my mum took me to shop and she permitted to choose such yaks to me it pleases. I chose long treat to house I took white snow about blue little eyes the smallest from all. He be called I bought Trusiek to him lead and I walked to park, with beginning I feared sie him to take in hand because he scraped me horibly and he bored take a cure then I broke my fear I bought him artificial ice-creams treat he instead of these delicacies the most like pasta from broth which my mum prepared him instead of carrot always. Trusiek was my the best friend often he lay in my bed and he liked how oneself it stroked him after ears
I have with childhood many remembrances often when I went to the country to grandfathers I played in pirates, the trailer was round her the ship she was strewed on yard water of and board then remnants of different ships from which I rolled fear, the goat was My enemy, which ate us the bear. Running after meadow
party in discoverers winning strange lands, jumping through ditches full waters were my favourite parties. I remember also how I begged about little animal parents, I looked at natural programmes often and I wanted to have bunny. Some day my mum took me to shop and she permitted to choose such yaks to me it pleases. I chose long treat to house I took white snow about blue little eyes the smallest from all. He be called I bought Trusiek to him lead and I walked to park, with beginning I feared sie him to take in hand because he scraped me horibly and he bored take a cure then I broke my fear I bought him artificial ice-creams treat he instead of these delicacies the most like pasta from broth which my mum prepared him instead of carrot always. Trusiek was my the best friend often he lay in my bed and he liked how oneself it stroked him after ears
wydaje mi się, że pomogłem :P