Prosze o pomoc musze napisac list formalny po angielsku a nie bardzo wiem jak... oto co musi on zawierac masz zamiar spedzic rok studiujac na jednym z brytyjskich uniwesrsytetow. chcesz otworzyc konto w jednym z bankow, napisz list do banku w ktorym -
-przedstawisz sie i powiesz o swoich planach pobytu w wielkiej brytani
-poinformujesz o checi zalozenia konta i powiesz kiedy zamierzasz to zrobic
- zapytasz o niezbedne dokumenty i inne wraunki otwarcia konta -
zapytasz o mozliwosci uzyskania karty kredytowej i poprosisz o jak najszybsze przyslanie wszystkich informacji
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir/ Madam
My name is TWOJE IMIĘ I NAZWISKO and I'm WIEK years old. I'm going to spend a year in the UK studying at one of the universities and I would like to know about process of creating account and about the terms that exist in this bank.
I am writing in connection with the desire to open an account and I am going to do this as soon as possible after landing in the UK.
I would be grateful if you could give me tips about the documents which will be needed to open an account and the conditions that must be met in order to go through the process of creating account without any problems. I would like to inquire about the possibility of obtaining a credit card and about the terms.
I would appreciate a quick reply.
Yours faithfully,