prosze o napisanie ponizszego tekstu w jezyku angielskim tak aby wyszlo min 150 slow. mozna cos dorysowac. jezeli ktos to przetlumaczy po prostu na jakims slowniku zglodze to jako bledne zadanie.
"tegoroczne wakacje spedzilam w wielu miastach. najdluzej bylam w miedzyzdrojach gdzie wypoczywalam przy swietnej pogodzie.
bylam tez u rodziny w klodzku (jest to miejscowosc niedaleko wroclawia) i w berlinie. jednak najlepiej wspominam koncowe dni wakacji
kiedy po tygodniu spedzonym w domu wyjechalam z przyjaciolka do zawiercia. spedzilysmy tam prawie tydzien i to byl najlepszy okres tegorocznych
wakacji. poznalysmy duzo osob, mialysmy mnóstwo czasu na rozmowy i smiech. kiedy wrocilam do krakowa czulam sie bardziej wypoczeta niz po tych
6 wczesniejszych tygodniach. teraz kiedy zaczal sie rok szkolny nie moge sie do tego przyzwyczaic wiec razem z przyjaciolka planujemy juz kolejny
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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"I spent summer holidays in many cities. I was the longest in Międzyzdroje where he was resting at the splendid weather. I was also in Klodzko family (this is a village near Wroclaw) and in Berlin. But I remember best when the final day holiday after a week spent at home with the friend I went to Zawiercie. We spent there almost a week and it was the best period of this year's holiday. we met a lot of people, We had plenty of time for conversation and laughter. when he returned to Cracow felt more rested than after these six weeks earlier. Now when I started the school year in August I can not So get used to this with the friend are planning another trip "
proszę bardzo ;))
"I spent summer holidays in many cities. I was the longest in Międzyzdroje where I was resting at the splendid weather. I was also in Klodzko family (this is a village near Wroclaw) and in Berlin. But I remember the best summer days when the final after a week spent at home , with the friend I went to Zawiercie. We spent there almost a week and it was the best period of this year's holiday. we met a lot of people, We had plenty of time for conversation and laughter. when I returned to Cracow felt more rested than after these six weeks earlier. Now when I started the school year in August I can not get used to it so along with the friend we are planning another trip"
sądze , że dobrze :P