Prosze o napisanie pamiętnika po angielsku, na 1 str A4 tekstu drukowanego, prosze nie tłumaczyć na translatorze;)
prace prosze przesyłać na e-mail : [email protected], a tutaj wpisywac cokolwiek. w wiadomosci e-mailowej prosze pisac nazwe uzytkownika, abym mogla dac naj;)))
I woke up at 10 o'clock. I felt really good. I went to my sister room. There was my mother and my sister. She was reading informations in Internet. I saw in her computer black picture of president of Poland - Lech Kaczyński. He and business trip were flying by plane for 70th anniversary of Katyn massacre. I was scared when my mom told me about the plane crash. I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. I was eating and watching TV. There was live broadcast about the crash. The plane was destroyed. That was so terrible! I was thinking that who was in this plane except president and her wife Maria Kaczyńska. Then I went to clean my body by having a hot shower. I came to my room and I was reading some news about this accident. I was reading about crash on Wikipedia all the time, and I was waiting for a news. I couldn't think about something else. I forgot about my homework! I done it at about 11p.m. My parents was watching tv about 10 hours! I was wondering if that was case or Russian's goal. Polish people again dies on Katyn's ground. Every country was helping us to survive feelings, and they were offered condolences. I think people never forget about this crash, because there died 96 members. Some of people say that there was 94 people and 2 terroris but I don't believe in it. At midnight I went to sleep. Before I fall a sleep I was thinking about the affair of today. I never forget that day.
I woke up at 10 o'clock. I felt really good. I went to my sister room. There was my mother and my sister. She was reading informations in Internet. I saw in her computer black picture of president of Poland - Lech Kaczyński. He and business trip were flying by plane for 70th anniversary of Katyn massacre. I was scared when my mom told me about the plane crash. I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. I was eating and watching TV. There was live broadcast about the crash. The plane was destroyed. That was so terrible!
I was thinking that who was in this plane except president and her wife Maria Kaczyńska. Then I went to clean my body by having a hot shower. I came to my room and I was reading some news about this accident. I was reading about crash on Wikipedia all the time, and I was waiting for a news. I couldn't think about something else. I forgot about my homework!
I done it at about 11p.m.
My parents was watching tv about 10 hours!
I was wondering if that was case or Russian's goal. Polish people again dies on Katyn's ground. Every country was helping us to survive feelings, and they were offered condolences. I think people never forget about this crash, because there died 96 members. Some of people say that there was 94 people and 2 terroris but I don't believe in it. At midnight I went to sleep.
Before I fall a sleep I was thinking about the affair of today.
I never forget that day.