Proszę opisać kota po angielsku- główne informacje np. co je, co pije i takie najistotniejsze informacje... Fajnie jakby było ok 12-15 zdań, z góry dziękuje.. Dam naj :) (Podkreślam że ta praca ma być na poziomie 1 gimnazjum, niezbyt skomplikowane słownictwo i będzie git )
.My cat is called like cans. I really like your Brown eyes. is gray. drinkingmilk. is my best friend. He likes to play with me. He likes to walk on long walks on the almsman by Temple. is 5 months. likes to hide before.
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1. Cat's name is charlie. 2. I'm very like my cat. 3. He has blue eyes. 4. It has a black and white fluffy hair. 5. He likes to sleep on a chair. 6. It is a crazy cat, likes to play big ball of blue thread. 7. He likes to be stroked. 8. His favourite drink is milk. 9.Charlie is very friendly and sometimes bad. 10. Charlie is only 6 months . 11.Charlie likes very to meow. 12. Charlie is very lazy. 13. He likes to hide in strange places, for example, in the wardrobe uder my bad..
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