Napisz zażalenie w formie listu do burmistrza, w sprawie złego stanu boiska na wiosce.. Pamiętaj o uprzejmym tonie i pisowni... Używaj 1-wszego trybu warunkowego (bardzo ważne)...
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Dear Mayor
I am writing to complain about
Your faithfully
Nie używaj skróconych form.. W liście ujmij wady boiska, a później napisz swoje propozycje rozwiązania problemu.. Minimum 15 zdań i będę bardzo wdzięczny...
Liczę na Was!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am writing to complain about the bad state of the sports field in our village. No one is ever going there, because the field is dirty, the tennis court has a lot of holes in it which makes it harder to play tennis and there is water everywhere. The hole field just takes up space in our village and makes it (the village) look silly. The net around the court is ripped and broken, so if anuone DOES play tennis or football, the ball will either fall out on the street or in the mud pond! Can you please send us some builders or anything to fix or remove the field. We would appreciate it a lot.
Your faithfully,
-your name here-
Proszę bardzo ;)
Życzę dobrej oceny!
I am writting to complain about mini -soccer.
I Must express my dissatysfaction. Themini-soccer is in bad condition .
On The mini-soccer are rubbish. The mini- soccer is so small and have not got gate.
I would be very grateful if mayor could do something about it.
Your faithfully
Xyz nwm czy nie za mało zdań jak chcesz to napisz mi jAkies zdania które chcesz dopisać a ja je przetłumacze