September 2018 2 11 Report

Proszę o DOKŁADNE przetłumaczenie zdań ( bez tlanslatora itp..) Daję dużo pkt więc proszę o dokładność.

Desert Survuvors

The word '' Bedouin '' means ''desert inhabitant ''. Many Bedouins live in towns in Arabia and North Africa but some still make trips into the desert to get food for their camels. The camels , or ''ships of the desert'' , carry everything and provide food ( mleko and meat ) and shelter ( wood for tents ) . Bedouin hospitality is famous : they give strangers food and water. Bedouins know many tricks to find water. For example , when they see insects or birds , they know water is usually near.

Sea Gypsies

The Moken are often called ''sea gypsies ''. Some follow their traditional lifestyle in the coastal areas of Thailand and Myanmar. During the rainy season , when the sea is rough , they live in huts on the beach but for the rest of the year they live on their boats. They catch seafood and sell it in fishing villages. Moken children learn to swim before they can walk. They can see underwater twice as clearly as the rest of us and can stay underwater twice as long. The Moken people know the sea very well - before the tsunami in 2005 , they left the sea and looked for high ground.


,, Bedouin '' and ,,Moken'' to plemiona i to o nich jest mowa. !

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