August 2018 2 10 Report
Prosiłabym o rozwiązanie następujących zadań :) Z góry dzięki za pomoc :)

x, y - to niewiadome
* - to "razy"

a) nierówność
¼(8x - 1) - ⅔(6 + 9x) ≤ 1

b) układ równań:
½(x - 1) + y = -2½
x - 7 = 1 - y

c) układ równań:
4x + 3y = 54
⅓x = 4(1 + ⅛y)
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Hej :) Prosiłabym o sprawdzenie! tego zadania :) Czy nie ma tam jakiś błędów itd :) Wybiorę naj :) Hello Adam =) Sorry that I wrote not so long ago, but I was busy. Well, you know school. You asked if I wrote you once about my favorite movie. So I'm writing: P My favorite film is 'Dracula'. I saw it two weeks ago and I enjoyed it very much. It first appeared in 1992. I saw it four times. A director of this film is Francis Ford Coppola . The script was written by z James V. Hart. 'Dracula' is a horror and fantasy film. The main actors are Gary Oldman (as Dracula), Winona Ryder (as Mina), Anthony Hopkins (as Abraham Van Helsing) and Keanu Reeves (as Jonathan). A young lawyer, Jonathan Harker, is referred to the dark Transylvania. He has to sell the old castle ruins. The ruins of those looking to buy an eccentric Prince Dracula. Dracule seems to be a nice older man, but appearances are wrong. Dracula is a vampire! (You know personally I like vampires, which is why I chose this movie). Jonathan is imprisoned in the castle, and Dracula travels to London. Falls in love with Mina. Well, start with complications. More will not tell you, you have to see it. I think the movie you'll like it, because in my opinion the film is very,very good. First of all, I think the actors and actresses are acting brilliantly. Special effects are amazing as the film of 1992. The music is beautiful from the first moment. And what's interesting POLAK wrote it! Wojciech Kilar! It is the best film I have ever seen. I recommended it to everyone. I hope that you will like the film itself. See it as soon as possible. I have to finish. Bye. Love, Ala :P

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