7. Które z podanych tlenków maja charakter kwasowy:I. CO₂ II. BaOIII. P₄O₁₀IV. N₂O₅V. ZnOVI. CuOA) IV i VB) II, III i VIC) tylko IIID) I, III i IV8. Z podanych stwierdzeń , wybierz prawdziwe:I. tlenki kwasowe sa to tlenki regujace z kwasami, a niereagujace z zasadami.II. tlenki kwasowe to tlenki reagujace z zasadami , a niereagujace z kwasami.III. tlenki zasadowe sa to tlenki reagujace z zasadami , z niereagujace z kwasami.IV. tlenki zasadowe sa to tlenki reagujace z kwasami , a niereagujace z zasadami. V. tlenki kwasowe w reakcji z woda tworza kwasy.a) I,III, Vb) I, II Vc) III, IV, Vd) II, IV, V9. aby otrzymac zwiazek o wzorze K[Al.(OH)₄] nalezy przeprowadzic reakcje zasady potasowej z :a) kwasem glinowymb) tlenkiem glinuc) wodorotlenkiem glinud) odpowiedzi B i C sa poprawne10. wybierz grupe związków chwmicznych, w ktorej WSZYSTKIE maja charakter amfoteryczny:a) Zn(OH)₂ , Al₂O₃, Al(OH)₃, Cr₂O₃b) Al₂O₃, FeCl₂, Zn(OH)₂, Fe₂O₃c) Cl₂O₃, Zn(OH)₂, PbO₂, Ga(OH)₃d) As₂O₃, Al(OH)₃, FePO₄, B₂O₃11. ktore z wymienionych tlenkow moga reagowac z wodorotlenkiem sodu?I. MgOII. SO₃ III. Al₂O₃IV. CO₂a) II, III i IVb) II i IVc) I i IIId) II i III12. poprawny wzor dihydroksochlorku glinu ma postac:a) AL.(OH)Cl₂ b) (ALOH)₂Clc) Al(OH)₂Cld) Al OHCl13. które równanie reakcji poprawnie przedstawia proces otrzymywania siarczanu (IV) potasu:a) S + K₂O --> K₂SO₄b) So₂+ K₂O -->K₂SO₄c) SO₃ + K₂O -->H₂SO₄d) SO₃ +2K --> K₂SO₃14. kwasy sa to produkty reakcji :a) zasad z wodab) tlenkow metali z wodąc) tlenkow niemetali z wodad) wodoru z tlenkami niemetali15. prawidlowe nazwy nastepujacych zwiazkow : 1. KOH , 2. HNO₂ , 3. FeCl₃ , 4. Br₂O₅: A.) 1. wodorotlenek potasu, 2. kwas azotowy (V) , 3. chlorek zelaza (III) 4. tlenek bromu (V) B) 1. wodorek potasu, 2. kwas azotowy V, 3. chlorek żelaza (II) , 4. tlenek bromowyC) 1.wodorotlenek potasu, 2. kwas azotowy (III), 3. chlorek żelaza (III), 4. tlenek bromu (V)D) 1. wodorotlenek potasu , 2. kwaas azotowy (II), 3. chlorek żelaza (III), 4. tlenek bromu (V).
1. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji ( fragment ponizej) na temat pracujących zwierząt. zdecyduj , ktore z zdania sa zgodne z trescia nagrania (T) , a ktore nie (F).TEKST: Dolphins are mammals like us. Extremely intellignet and quick to learn, they are amiling happy creatures, friendly and as gentle as lambs. However, if you see a dolphin off the coast of Florida, be careful. You could get shot. The United States military has been training dolphins to be soldiers and spies. Deadly dolphins tkat can find their enemies and shoot poisoned darts from special guns. Charming. This is nothing new. Troughout history, animals have been used for military purposes. Dogs, horses, pigs, elephants: they've all served in battle, and some have received medals for their courage. Dogs and bats have even been used to carry bombs. But as far as I know, the dolphin is the only species that has been taught to shoot people. Of course, animals do more peaceful jobs too. Pigeons deliver our letters. Horses, denkeys and camels carry us around. Farm animals work in our fields. Ponies in our mines. Elephants in tropical forests. And everything from cats to rats, from guinea pigs to monekeys "help" in laboratory experiments. And then there's talk, seals do circus tricks, dogs and horsesrace. We even employ insects such as honey bees. But without doubt, dogs are our champion workers. They do almost everything. they control herds of sheep, guard our houses, pull us on sleds, detect drugs, rescue us from mountain tops, help blid people to see and even work as psychologists. That's right. Dog psychologists. Apparently, if you use anti-social teenagers to train guide dogs to help disabled people, then aggressive, angry kids with problems become more sociable, tolerant and self-confident. They see how important discipline is to the dogs and realise that they need discipline in their own lives. Dogs that teachpeople to behave better? Well, that's certainly a lot better than people that teach dolphins to shoot guns.PYTANIA:1. The speaker describes dolphins as smart but aggressive. [ T or F]2. The speaker gives examples of animals used in wars. [T or F]3. Some animals have been honoured for their bravery. [T or F]4. The speaker gives examples of animals used for the amusement of humans. [T or F]5. Horses do more kinds of work than any other animals. [T or F]6. Training guide dogs helps difficult teenagers become more friendly and confident. [T or F].DAJE NAAJJJ !!! :)

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