Kto Mi to przetłumaczy na POLSKInoperm: You do not have permission to do that!ingameonly: You must be an in-game player to perform this command!notonline: That player is not online!outofdatebukkit: Sadly, the version of Craftbukkit that you are using is out of date... This feature has been disabled.nomana: Not enough mana!disabled: That spell has been disabled...notlearned: You do not know that spell!worldguard: You do not have permission for this area!nospellzone: You are in a no spell zone! You can't cast spells!spelltome:learn: Learn this spell by left clicking this bookcast: Cast this spell with $b/cast [SPELL]$0nospell: That spell was not found!known: You already know that spell!success: You have successfully learned $6[SPELL]cantlearn: ?4You don't have permission to learn [SPELL]noperm: ?4You don't have permission to use the spelltome!customitem:level: Levelecon:spell:success: You have successfully purchased [SPELL]nolevel: You are not high enough level to purchase [SPELL]create:success: Successfully created a BuySpell sign!badspell: Invalad spell!notenough: Insufficient funds!badcost: Invalad cost! $<cost>novault: Vault was not detected! Economy has been disabled!wand:create:success: Successfully created a BuyWand sign!spells:armour:applied: $6Your skin feels hard with magic and gold!name: $6Magic Armourfail: You can't be wearing armour!blink:fail: ?4Can't blink there!conjure:invfull: Your inventory is full!conplete: You have conjured [AMOUNT] [ITEM]badid: Invalid IDbadamount: Invalid amountcannot: That item cannot be conjurednoitem: Specify an item to conjurefeather:applied: You'll be light as a feather for [TIME] seconds!warning: $7You start to feel heavierend: $7You feel much heavierfeed:applied: You feel slightly less hungryside: You feel slightly more hungry...flamestep:applied: You will now burn everything in your path for [TIME] secondswarning: $7You start to cool down...end: $7You are cold again...fly:applied: You can now fly for [TIME] secondswarning: $7Your wings start to dissappear!end: $7Your wings were taken!grow:fail: That block can't be grown...home:set: Your home has been set!applied: Welcome home!fail: No homes set! Set one with '/cast home set'jail:break: $7You cannot break jail blocks!fail: Theres no one to lock up!lifesteal:fail: No one to suck the life out of...paralyze:fail: You don't have a target!phase:fail: You can't phase through that!prospect:found: 'Found ores: 'none: none...punch:fail: No one to punch!repair:side: $7Your tool feels a bit weaker...applied: $7Your tool feels a bit strongerfail: That item can't be repaired!satisfy:applied: $aYou feel completely satisfiedsummon:fail: The undead can't be spawned there!superheat:fail: That can't be superheated!vanish:applied: $7You have dissappearedzap:fail: You don't have a valid target!levelupcmd: You have leveled up [PLAYER]itemlevel:nomore: That item cannot be leveled any more!cantlevel: The item you are holding cannot be leveled!complete: You have leveled up the [ITEMNAME]max: That item is already at max level!noitemerror: Something went wrong. Item not found...cast:nospell: Specify a spell to cast!mana:restored: Your magical powers feel restored!bind:nospell: Specify a spell to bind!needwand: You need to be holding a wand!cantbind: $6[SPELL] cannot be bound!finish: Bound [SPELL] to your wandspelltomecmd:nospell: Specify a spell to give!noexist: That spell does not exist!usage: 'Usage: /spelltome [spell] [player]'complete: Gave [TARGET] the [SPELL] spelltome.unbind:unbound: Spell unbound from your wand!nospell: There is no spell bound to that wand!blinkpearl:outofrange: That location is out of range!recharge: The BlinkPearl still needs [TIME] to recharge...noblink: You can't blink there!lightninggem:recharge: The Gem of Lightning still needs [TIME] to recharge...firerod:recharge: The Rod of Fire still needs [TIME] to recharge...wand:enchanter: 'You have successfully created an #6#lArcane Leveller'nospell: Spell recipe not found!noperm: You do not have permission to learn [SPELL]reqlevel: That spell requires level [LEVEL]reqspell: That spell requires the knowledge of [SPELL]levelling:nonew: You have not learned any new spellsnewspells: You have learned

Life Enjoy

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