1.Put each verb in brackets into a form of will, going to or present continuous. More than one answer may be possible.Przykład:a) Have you heard the news? Harry (join) ...is joining/is going to join... the Army!b) Sorry to keep you waiting. I (not be) .......................................... long.c) According to the weather forecast, it (snow) ................................tomorrow. d) I'm sorry I can't meet you tonight. I (go out) ...............................with my parents.e) Careful! You (knock) .........................that jug off the table!f) In fifty years time, most people (probably ride) .......................bicycles to work. g) Our teacher (give).......................us a test tomorrow. h) I (go) ...........................to Manchester at the end of next week.i) Look out! You (hit) ...........................that tree!j) I think our team (propably win) ......................... . 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a mimilar meaning to the first sentence.a) My party is on Thursday.I..'m having a party...on Thursday. b) Tomorrow's weather forecast is for rain.It's....................................tomorrow.c) I predict a victory for our team.I think.........................win.d) Tomorrow I'll be absent, Mrs Jones.I................................here tomorrow, Mrs Jones.e) Terry intends to finish painting the kitchen this evening.Terry.........................painting the kitchen this evening. f) Meet me outside the station at 5.30.I............................outside the station at 5.30.g) What's our arrangement for lunch?Where..........................for lunch?h) Everyone expects lots of tourism in this country next summer.Everyone thinks a large number of tourists..............this country next summer.
1. Why.........? It's not time to go home.a) do you go b) are you going c) are you not going d) you go2. Andrea enjoys...........jewellery in her free time.a) making b) doing c) do3. John........... a hard day and doesn't want to go out.a) haven't had b) hasn't had c) has had4. Do you have........ice cream?a) any b) a few c) no 5. My sister is very good.........money.a) at b) with c) for6. How much money do you spend.........clothes a month?a) with b) in c) on7. The story........in a small English village.a) is a classic b) takes part c) takes place8. Have you visited your uncle in Australia..........?a) never b) before c) just9. Jackie.....cooking.a) has always loved b) always have loved c) have always loved10. Kathryn has lived in this road........years.a) before b) with c) for 11. I've been her friend.........primary school.a) since b) from c) before12. How long........the guitar? a) you play b) are you playing c) have you played 13. Mrs Rose...........in the same house all her life and she doesn't want to move now.a) lived b) has lived c) was living14. William...........parties.a) never has liked b) has never liked c) hasn't liked never15. I'm crazy..........jazz music. a) about b) of c) into 16. We............buy the tickets tomorrow. The station is open all day.a) musn't b) can c) can't 17. Caroline..............practise the clarinet every day. She has an exam next week. a) can b) has to c) doesn't have to.18. Visitors........... use any food. There will be lots of food there.a) may b) don't have to c) can't 19. I sometimes feel.............in the winter when it is cold and dark.a) hurt b) sick c) depressed20. I'm sure he............late. He never is.a) is b) isn't c) won't be21. It's too cold outside. I.........home. a) go b) am going c) went 22. If you are late, you............you can't get in. They sometimes close the doors.a) will find b) may find c) find 23. They'll phone us before they............a) are leaving b) leave c) will leave24. If it............., we'll go to a museum and not the beach. a) rains b) will rain c) isn't raining 25. We..........be late for our flight if we leave now. We have to hurry up. a) may b) wo'n c) perhaps26. It was very quiet. .................of the people in the room said a word. a) No b) Any c) None27. I usually go to school.............foot.a) on b) from c) with28. A new school.............in our city. a) has been built b) is built c) built29. Spanish...........in most Latin American cuntries.a) speaks b) has been spoken c) is spoken d) was spoke30. Picasso...............in 1881 in Spain. a) is born b) was born c) has been born d) born31. The price of CDs has.........a lot this year. a) gone back b) gone down c) gone out32. If I had time, I ...........a long holiday.a) take b) would take c) took33. If you..................on a desert island, how would you spend your time?a) are living b) lived c) have lived34. My brother hates..............football.a) to play b) playing c) playing always35................for people to arrive at a party can be really boring.a) To wait b) Waiting c) Wait36. Robert's very ...............and always wants to help people.a) moody b) impatient c) easy-going37. I've got the tickets. Janice and Paul........to meet us at the door.a) are going b) will c) went38. When you leave school, what.................?a) are you going to do b) have you done c) may you do39. The film.............at 9 p.m. Come on!a) is starting b) starts c) is going to start40. The class........... in twenty minutes.a) is going finish b) finished c) finishes 41. What was the name of the film ...........you saw last week?a) when b) that c) where42. Hurry up Sam! If you don't get in the car now, we're going without you. My parent..........me to hurry up.a) wanted b) asked c) ordered 43. It's...............late to go out now. It's 11 p.m.a) enough b) too c) soOdpowiedz na pytania po angielsku ( rozbudowana wypowiedź, dosyć łatwymi słowami)1. What is your room like?2. What do you like about the place where you live?3. Would you like to live in other country? (Why?)
Proszę o zrobienie tych zadań, daję naj! ;)1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami will/shall lub odpowiednią formą konstrukcji be going to oraz czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach.A: ...Shall we go...(we/go) to the football match on Sunday?B: I can't. I ...........................(help) my sister.A: Oh yes. She is moving house, isn't she?B: That's right. ..............................(you/help) us?A: Yes, I'd like to. What time..................................(I/come) to your house?B: I'm not sure yet. ..........................(probably/phone) you on Friday to tell you. Is that alright?A: Yes. I think I .........................(be) in then. B: Okay. .......................(we/go) for a walk now? A: I'd rather not. Look at those black clouds. It........................(rain). Let's stay in and watch a video.B: Great idea.2. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami shall, will lub odpowiednią formą konstrukcji be going to.1. A: The shops are closed tomorrow.B: I ...will... buy bread and milk today then. 2. A: ...........................we tell Mr Peck about the accident?B: That's a good idea. Maybe he can help.3. A: It's too dark in here to read.B: Is it? I....................................turn on the light.4. A: Please come ans see us.B: We............................visit your soon, that's a promise.5. A: ..............................I wear a jumper or a coat?B: It's very cold. Take your coat.6. A: Can we go out to play, Mum?B: No, we...............................have dinner now.3. Odpowiedz na pytanie:Where would you like to live in the future in a flat or a house?Proszę o rozbudowana odpowiedź, np. Ja chciałbym mieszkać w..., ponieważ. W .......nie mieszkał bym dlatego, że..Daję naj!

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