Uzupełnij poprawnie zdania We came to our hotel and we started unpacking. HAD As ... to our hotel, we started unpacking. I came to this resort a week ago and I have been sleeping really well here. SINCE I have been sleeping really well ... to this resort a week ago. My grandfather retired after working as a doctor for 45 years. HAD When my grandfather retired, he ... for 45 years. When we returned to our hotel room after dinner, we noticed that (ktoś w nim był) … I haven’t been to a party since December. TIME The last ... a party was in December. Yesterday I spent the whole day working in the garden. WAS I ... in the garden all day yesterday. Some people started shouting while the president (give / speech) ... in the town hall. My grandfather used to tell me stories about his childhood. WOULD My grandfather ... stories about his childhood. I (uczyłem się) ... French for two years, from the age of 14 to 16. have learned learned have been learning To everybody’s surprise, Jill (porzuciła szkołę) ... shortly after turning eighteen Harry was really excited because he was about to travel to Japan. GOING Harry was really excited because he ... to Japan. After Harry left my sister, it (zajęło jej rok, aby) .... accept the situation. When I was a little girl, I always wore short hair. WEAR When I was a little girl, I ... short hair. I (chodziłam na spacer) … every evening when I was on holiday at the seaside was walking had walked walked used to walk (Nigdy nie widziałam) ... Star Trek – I’m not into science fiction films. I’ve never seen I never saw I had never seen My parents (not / buy) … a car until I had learned to drive really well. The football pitch was soft and slippery as (it / rain / for) ... days. I (nie byłam) ... to the cinema since September. wasn’t haven’t been didn’t go I (często chodziłem na spacery) ... with my grandfather when I was little My grandpa would read books to me when I was a young child. TO My grandpa ... books to me when I was a young child. Olivia (ski / down / slope) ... when someone shouted to her. She lost her balance and fell down on the snow. It’s two months since I (last / go / swimming) … . I (clean / up) … my room for two hours when my best friend Jesse came by. I was in the middle of dinner when my sister started screaming. WHILE My sister started screaming ... dinner. Yesterday evening I (poszłam) … for a long walk with my dog. went was going did I didn’t know how exciting water sports were (dopóki nie zaczęłam uczyć się) … kite surfing. Last year I (odwiedziłem) ... my cousin who lives in England twice. visited have visited was visiting Peter had lunch and then he started playing video games. AFTER Peter started playing video games ... lunch. The teacher waited for all the students to stop talking before he started the test. START The teacher ... the test until all the students had stopped talking. It was really noisy in our home as I (grałem na gitarze, podczas gdy) … my sister was playing video games. Someone started vacuuming in the middle of our English online class. WHILE Someone started vacuuming ... our English online class. When did Sarah start learning to dance flamenco? AGO How ... learning to dance flamenco? What household chores (you / use / do) … when you were 12? When my parents came home from work, I (przygotowałam już) ... the whole dinner. My grandma would often take me for a walk when I was a little child. USED My grandma ... for a walk when I was a little child. My mother (watch / favourite / series) … when there was a power cut in the whole area It has been raining for three days now. TO It … ago. I was really disappointed because (nie udało mi się) ... passing the entrance exams to the music school We (pisaliśmy test z angielskiego) ... when an alarm bell started ringing.

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