Coffee bushes or trees seem to produce the best beans when grown in a tropical environment, propagating in a soil rich in nutrients such as calcium, nitrogen and magnesium. The woody perennial is actually more of a tree than a plant, growing to 10 meters or more if not pruned. The vertical roots are often "trained" to grow horizontally and transport more water to the beans. Although there are numerous varieties of coffee, two main species are cultivated, based on taste preferences. they are Arabica and Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is preferred by 80% of the world's producers, while only 20 % prefer the Robusta coffee beans. Although, the Robusta has a more pronounced flavor, it also has higher caffeine content. Approximately three to four years after the coffee is planted, small flowers grow in clusters, eventually becoming the cherries or beans. It will be another thirty-five weeks before the cherry will change from green to red, signaling that it is ready to harvest. Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries; the flavor varies because of the particular soil characteristics. From Hawaii's rich volcanic soil, Mexico's mountainous region, Puerto Rico's acidic soil, or the slightly sweet soil of Columbia, coffee has been cultivated to suit everyone's taste. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BASED ON THE TEXT IN TASK! 1. where are the best areas to grow coffee trees? 2. why can the areas produce the best beans? 3. what is the main idea of paragraph 3? 4. which is more favorable, arabica or robusta coffee? why is it go? 5. what is robusta coffee like? 6. what are coffee flowers like? long does it take for cherries to change from green to red? 8. when is coffee ready to harvest? 9. what influences the flavor of coffee? 10. what is the purpose of the text?
Coffee bushes or trees seem to produce the best beans when grown in a tropical environment, propagating in a soil rich in nutrients such as calcium, nitrogen and magnesium. The woody perennial is actually more of a tree than a plant, growing to 10 meters or more if not pruned. The vertical roots are often "trained" to grow horizontally and transport more water to the beans. Although there are numerous varieties of coffee, two main species are cultivated, based on taste preferences. they are Arabica and Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is preferred by 80% of the world's producers, while only 20 % prefer the Robusta coffee beans. Although, the Robusta has a more pronounced flavor, it also has higher caffeine content. Approximately three to four years after the coffee is planted, small flowers grow in clusters, eventually becoming the cherries or beans. It will be another thirty-five weeks before the cherry will change from green to red, signaling that it is ready to harvest. Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries; the flavor varies because of the particular soil characteristics. From Hawaii's rich volcanic soil, Mexico's mountainous region, Puerto Rico's acidic soil, or the slightly sweet soil of Columbia, coffee has been cultivated to suit everyone's taste. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BASED ON THE TEXT IN TASK! 1. where are the best areas to grow coffee trees? 2. why can the areas produce the best beans? 3. what is the main idea of paragraph 3? 4. which is more favorable, arabica or robusta coffee? why is it go? 5. what is robusta coffee like? 6. what are coffee flowers like? long does it take for cherries to change from green to red? 8. when is coffee ready to harvest? 9. what influences the flavor of coffee? 10. what is the purpose of the text?
CARIKAN KESIMPULAN DARI CERPEN DIBAWAH INI! Aku tidak tahu, sungguh. Ini mustahil. Aku tidak melakukannya! Aku bukan pelakunya. Ah ya, perkenalkan aku Sherly. Siswi kelas 3 SMP Nusa Antara. Em, ingin tahu apa yang kualami? Mmm, mungkin aku perlu bercerita. Semua dimulai dari sahabatku yang mendapat teror dari orang yang tak dikenal berupa surat misterius. Semula, sahabatku Andina mengabaikannya, tapi lama-kelamaan ia merasa terusik juga oleh surat-surat itu. Ia mulai menyelidiki segala kemungkinan yang berhubungan dengan surat itu. Anehnya, semua buktinya mengarah padaku. Hei, bukan aku pelakunya! Aku jujur, sungguh. Kalau buntut masalah ini tidak panjang, aku juga tak akan memproblemkannya. Tapi sekarang, semua orang menatapku seolah aku adalah kutu di rambut mereka. Mereka semua menganggapku pengkhianat, jahat, antagonis. Aku benci semua itu. Persahabatanku hancur, diikuti reputasiku. Aku berusaha kuat. Kuat saja, kuat. Aku tidak ingin terlihat lemah di hadapan orang-orang yang hanya bisa menuduh tanpa membuktikannya. Segala masalah ini membuatku lelah. Lebih baik aku beristirahat. *** "Liat tuh, si pengkhianat. Hah, jahat banget dia. Masih belagak ga ada apa-apa lagi. Idih, jijik gue." Suara seorang siswa mulai menghinaku. Aku bersikap santai dan tidak menghadapi dengan harap dia lelah sendiri. Tapi nampaknya itu mustahil. Dia malah terus menghinaku, terus. Dan itu didepan Andina dan membuatnya semakin benci denganku. Apa jangan jangan... Dia pelakunya? Dara pelakunya? Astaga, apa yang dia harapkan dengan berbuat seperti itu? Berharap Vieno beralih padanya? Mencari sensasi? Atau apa? Tapi itu jelas tidak mungkin. Tidak mungkin. *** Aku memejamkan mataku. Lelah mendera, menuntutku segera tidur. Tapi beban yang menimpaku ini seolah menahanku, tidak dapat beristirahat dengan tenang. Memoriku mengingat saat Andina pertama kali mendapat surat teror itu. "Ada apa, An?" "Tau nih, ada surat buat gue," "Surat cinta kali?" Andina nyengir. "Pengennya sih gitu. "Yaudah, buka aja!" "Oke..." Heh, Andina anak sok manis… Gue ingetin, jangan sok! Muak gue ngeliat lo. Inget ya. Awas lo. Jika lo terus tebar pesona sama si dia gue bisa pastiin semua bisa mengancam hidup lo. Gue gak akan biarin lo hidup tenang! Ngerti? Wajah Andina syok, tapi sejenak kemudian dia bersikap santai dengan berkata, "Biarin aja. Orang iseng kali!"

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