QUIZZZ BAHASA INDONESIA1. Buatlah 8 pertanyaan beserta jawabannya mengenai cerita di bawah ini __________________Contoh Teks Diskusi Tentang Anti TawuranBagaimana Cara Kita Menyelesaikan Masalah Tawuran Siswa Sekolah?Pendahuluan dan IsuTawuran antar pelajar semakin memprihatinkan di masyarakat, dan masalah kenakalan remaja merupakan salah satu yang harus dibenahi. Dalam teks diskusi kali ini, kita akan mengkaji topik tawuran pelajar, menggali alasan mengapa pelajar melakukan tawuran dan dampaknya bagi masyarakat.Argumen pendukung:Ada beberapa argumen mengapa siswa terlibat dalam perkelahian. Salah satu argumennya adalah bahwa siswa mungkin merasa bahwa mereka harus membuktikan diri, baik secara fisik maupun emosional. Argumen lain adalah bahwa siswa mungkin menghadapi masalah emosional atau psikologis, membuat mereka bertindak dengan cara kekerasan.Argumen pendukung:Meskipun argumen ini mungkin ada benarnya, dapat juga dikatakan bahwa siswa yang terlibat dalam perkelahian memiliki kekurangan bimbingan, pendidikan, atau bimbingan orang tua dalam teknik penyelesaian konflik yang tepat. Dapat juga dikatakan bahwa lingkungan sekolah dan kurangnya tindakan pencegahan, seperti program pencegahan bullying, berkontribusi terhadap masalah tawuran pelajar.Analisis dan Refleksi:Terlepas dari alasan yang melatarbelakangi tawuran pelajar, jelas bahwa tawuran memiliki dampak negatif bagi sekolah dan masyarakat. Kerusakan fisik dan emosional yang diakibatkan oleh perkelahian ini dapat berdampak jangka panjang pada siswa yang terlibat. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, seperti memberikan pendidikan tentang teknik penyelesaian konflik yang tepat, memperkuat program pencegahan intimidasi di sekolah, dan menawarkan dukungan bagi siswa yang menghadapi masalah emosional atau psikologis.Kesimpulan:Kesimpulannya, masalah tawuran pelajar adalah masalah kompleks yang membutuhkan pendekatan banyak sisi untuk menyelesaikannya. Dengan mengatasi akar permasalahannya, sekolah dan masyarakat dapat bekerja sama untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih aman bagi siswa.​
QUIZZZZZ Listen to your teacher reading a folktale from Vietnam. The title is "The Golden Star- Fruit Tree". Then, repeat after him/her. The Golden Star-Fruit Tree A long time ago, there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons. They had very different attitudes. The older brother was very greedy, but the younger brother was very kind. When the old man died, the brothers divided his father's wealth into two parts. The big brother took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of land, with a star-fruit tree in front of it. The younger brother did not mind. From then on he lived there and made his living only by selling star fruits from the tree. Unfortunately, a very big raven often came and ate all the ripe fruits. At first, he was too afraid of the raven, and did not know what to do. But one day he dared to approach the raven. He begged not to eat the fruits. "If you eat the fruits, I will have nothing to sell to the market, and my family will starve." Surprisingly the raven was not angry. He replied, "I need the fruits too. Can I have them and I'll pay you with gold? Bring a 1-meter long bag, and I'll bring it to a place full of gold and you can fill the bag full with gold." The younger brother then told his wife to make a 1-meter long bag. When the bag was done, he climbed on the raven's back and they flew to a place full of gold. He filled the bag full with gold, and then flew back home on the raven's back. From then on, the younger brother and his family could live happily in luxury. On the commemoration of his father's death, he invited his older brother to come to his house. Thinking that his brother had a poor house, the big brother refused to come. But because his younger brother insisted, he and his wife finally decided to come. When they got to the younger brother's house, they were surprised to see that he was now very rich. He asked his younger brother how he had gotten all his wealth, and the younger brother was happy to tell him the truth. Then, the greedy brother and his wife of ered the younger brother to trade all their fortune for the star-fruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer. Soon the older brother and his family moved to the house with the star-fruit tree. When the raven came for the star fruits, the older brother made the same plea. As expected, the raven told him to bring a 1-meter long bag. Because he was greedy, he asked his wife to make a much longer bag. When the bag was done, he climbed on the raven's back and then they flew to the place full of gold. He filled the big bag with gold. He also brought some gold in his pockets. On the way home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight down to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older brother finally died. He died because of his greediness.komplikasi resolusi reorientasi orientasi koda terdapat pada bagian paragraf​

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