Możecie mi to przetłumaczyć na polski? Wiem, że tego jest sporo, wystarczy przetłumaczenie paru zdań, nie musi być wszystko, ile dacie radę, dzięki wielkie z góry C;Nie z gogole tłumacza, prosiłabym xD1) Because I've been working outside for a while, I got furballs.2) Can't you program yourself not to get furballs?3) Then how about we go and take a look for oursel4) There's indeed a reason.5) It's the place where the Circus bracelet, the very source of our powers, originates from!6) We haven't even been able to lock down on our enemies yet7) Just what the hell do you see work as, idiot!8) Well then, let's have fun tomorrow9) Let's enjoy tomorrow.10) I... don't want Gareki a sacrifice11) Let's try rephrasing what you just said.12) But it's also because you agreed to stay with Circus that the Varuga whom we want to catch are drawn to us13) You should take advantage of the situation and use us to help find Karoku.14) Even if something were to happen, we should all overcome it together.15) Well, I had asked Gareki to come along with me.{16) That's why he often gets into danger17) Both of you are involved with Varuga18) so it may be hard to fulfill your wishes19) But don't you and Gareki have dreams in your heart?20) Choose the best thing you can do now in order to get a step closer to your dream.21) If you care for others, don't just feel guilty but get to know their dreams22) Just make up some kind of excuse to Akari-sens23) Go back to sleep!24) Members of the First Ship have left for that investigation yesterday.25) It appears that Nai and Gareki have gone with them26) I'm sure they'll get along just like you guys did.27) Vinto is a government wildlife sanctuary that protects rare and unique creatures28) However, many animals are being poached and also the bodies of poachers have been found…29) There's no use in explaining to them, since they won't understand anyway.30) Let's just get on to the investigation31) I'm fine with ignoring other people, but when it's the opposite it pisses me off.32) Are those also what you call "materializing"?33) I froze for a moment just now.34) I thought he saw right through me35) But I wanted to change. I wanted to go out there and prove myself36) But in the end, what did I achieve?37) I don't have such a place, nor would I have the right to go there!38) And, I'll be happy if I can find Karoku safe and sound39) So to make that happen, I'll do a lot of things.40) The room's all cleaned up so there's no problem, right?41) It's not fair to use the rabbits!42) That reminds me: I have these eclairs that you love so much.43) Hurray! I'll have them!44) Jiki, where are you?45) Jiki-kun's not around so I'll eat his share!{

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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