Przetłumacz na język polski, ALE NIE TRANSLATOREM!! 1.When Alan Jeffries school, he wasn’t sure what to do. His parents wanted him to go to university to get a degree in Law. Thay said that he would have great career opportunities when he graduated. So he took their advice and enrolled at Reading Uniweristy . Alan had always been a good student. He had never played truant and had always passed all his exams easily. However , he wasn’t ready for university. He enjoyed the freedom too much. He skipped a lot of classes and when he failed to sit his end-of-term exams , he was expelled. He said he didn’t mind because he was going to drop out of uniwersity anyway. He had decided to take a year out in order to get some experience in the real world. 2.He applied for lots of jobs, both permanent and temporary –car mechanic, shop assistant ,cook, hairdresser , security guard… But he was too young and inexperienced for same and overqualified for others . So he made some money doing odd jobs for family friends –painting a garage , babysitting , washing cars and so on. 3.Alan was a bit depressed about being out of work, but then , at last he got a full-time job! It was in an egg factory. He was in charge of the machine that put the packs of eggs into large boxes ready to go to supermarkets around the country. The wages were low and he had to work long hours , but from the beginning , Alan’s boss was impressed by his attitude. He clocked in on time , he was always happy to work overtime and he never took any time off.

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