Prezentacja z języka angielskieho na temat:
Justify the opinion that films and books about disasters will always be popular because people enjoy being scared.
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Living in „grey reality” of some time, everybody starts live in routine. The same plan on day. For example: breakfast, school, play computer, go to the bed. So, we want feel any “trill” which give us some emotions. Scared, terror, dubiety.. hard feelings. And we can find this in book about disasters. We are reading this book owing to monotony or to exist something unthinkable. People also still looking for sensations, still looking for something unususal, or still looking for someone with worse fate. They’ll find this all in a books about tragedys, distasters etc. It’s a perfect blend of those feelings. You can ask “ why people enjoy being scared ?”. Well, It’s a natural need. Such as a water for our bodies, scared is a nutural need for our mind. I have been talking about it before, I’ll say this again - people need something to disconnect in an everyday plan, to kill routine, so I think, reading sensation books is a perfect drug for it. Fear is good but with small amount to excite someone. And we can find this in this kind of books. This is my view about this books. Thank you.
Opowiadanie, mówiąc wolno, z przerwami na przecinki, kropki trwa 2 min, Wiem, że to trochę mało, ale chyba pani nie będzie ci tego liczyła stoperem ;) ? Mam nadzieję, że pomoglam. Pozdrawiam.