September 2018 1 13 Report

Po powstaniu listopadowym wielu Polaków, w obawie przed aresztowaniem, musiało opuścić kraj. Wędrowali po Europie i większość z nich osiedliła się we Francji, w Paryżu. Ich wyjazd z kraju nazwano Wielką Emigracją. Polacy za granicą wciąż debatowali nad tym, jak zdobyć niepodległość, jak o nią dalej walczyć. Toczyły się nieustanne spory o wygląd przyszłego państwa, o to, kto będzie w nim rządził itd. Jednym z uczestników Wielkiej Emigracji był Adam Mickiewicz. Był już wtedy uznanym poetą, autorem genialnych dzieł, jak „Dziady”, „Konrad Wallenrod” i innych. W Paryżu wiódł smutne życie, nie podobało mu się tu, bardzo tęsknił za krajem. Pisał artykuły do gazet, ale wciąż je krytykowano i powtarzano, że nie będzie z niego dziennikarz.

Pewnego dnia, kiedy wracał do domu z korektą swojego artykułu, goniec z redakcji, kilkunastoletni Włodek Olszański zapytał go, czy rzeka Wilia jest podobna do Sekwany. Poeta zaczął opisywać chłopcu Litwę. Wtedy właśnie wpadł na pomysł, żeby opisać Polskę: obyczaje, ludzi, pejzaże w wielkim poemacie. Z tą myślą pobiegł do domu.


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Hej. Mam do was wielką prośbę, otóż: moglibyście mi poprawić te zadania z angielskiego? Chodzi mi o to czy forma jest dobra i wg, czy zdania są poprawnie ułożone pod względem gramatycznym i stylistycznym. Pomagałam sobie tłumaczem Google tak więc wątpię, że wszystko jest dobrze. Liczę na to, że za taką ilość punktów zrobicie to o co was proszę:) 1. Hi Caroline. How are you? I'm writing to you because visited my cousin. He arrived yesterday. Very long time weren't seen him. He was changed. He grew. His hair and eyes are darker. He dresses more adult, resigned from the loose and casual clothes. Now wears fashionable and elegand clothes. He became handsome! I greet, Dominika 2. Hi Jack. How are you? I'm writing to you because I was moving into a new farmhouse! Our new home is located in village. Close to my house is lake and forest. Is three bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and dining room. Is cosy and light. I really like. I greet, Dominika 3. Hi Rebecca. How are you? I'm writing to you because we had event at school. It was women's day. The event took place this thursday. The boys have prepared presents for girls. I was very happy, because I also got present. I think that come the next event. I greet, Dominika 4. Hi Alex. How are you? I'm writing to ypu because I get a job on holiday. I work as assistant hairdresser. Yesterday I finish a job successfully. People at work are friendly. Earned money I spent on clothes an cosmetics. I greet, Dominika 5. Hi Bonnie. How are you? I'm writing tou you because I faund a hobby. I started to draw. Everyone from the school they wont I drew them. So that I have met many friends. One of them invited me to party. I don't know what i have to wear, advise me? I greet, Dominika 6. Hi Max. How are you? I'm writing to you because asked me about a recipe for some interesting food. I think that recipe for pancakes will be right for you. Ingredients: - 500g of flaur - 2 eggs - 200ml of milk - jam - 50g of oil Mix flour with 2 eggs. Add in milk and blend for 10 minutes. Pour the mixture slowly on the hot oil on the frying pan. When it's ready, smear the jam on the pancakes. Enjoy your meal. I greet, Dominika 7. Hi Peter. How are you? I'm writing to you because Katherine will be celebrate birthday this saturday. So how about we boy a present for her together, maybe on friday? I thought that a book, but what do you think. I don't know where the bookshop. You know the city better than me. Write suck soon. I greet, Dominika
Przetłumaczy mi to ktoś na polski. NIE Z TŁUMACZA, POTRAFIE ROZRÓŻNIĆ! In june 1925 gertrude ederle , a nineteen-year-old new yorker, attempted to swim from france to england. only five people had previously swum the twenty-one miles across the channel - they were all men. six and a helf miles from the english coast gertrude become exhausted , and her helpers had to pull her out of the sea. gertrude couldn't complete the distance. when gertrude failed a lot of people said that a woman could never swim long distances. a newspaper in london said that women were inferior athletes and that woman's sports were a waste of time. but one year later gertrude tried again. on august 6th 1926 she dived into the water at cap gris-nez in france. as she swam her father and sister travelled in a boat next to passing her chicken soup in baby's bottle. In the afternoon the weather worsened but gertrude continued to swim through the wind rain and rough seas. Because of thebad weather and the currents she swam an extra fourteen miles. she completed the thirty-five miles in a record time of 14 hours and 31 minutes. when gertrude returned to the united states two million people were on the strrts of new york to welcome her. gertrude ederle was a true heroine. After an accident in 1933, gertrude became partially disabled. she also became deaf , and spent a lot of time teaching deaf children how to swim. but she was always happiest in the water. 'It sounds crazy.' she said,' but when I swim in the sea I talk to it. I never feel alone when I'm out there.'z GÓRY THANKS

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