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In fact, my favorite film is three films. It is known as "Tolkien's trilogy". These films are based on the series of books, Lord of The RIngs. These book were written by an Englishman named John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The three films are called after the books: The fellowship of The Rings, The Two Towers and Return of The King. Each one of these films is brilliant. Together they story and these films for a number of reasons.
First, the hero is a small creature. He doesn't have great muscles. He doesn't us a big gun. He dislikes hurting people. His name is Frodo Baggins and he is a Hobbit. I think too many modern films show violent men as heroes. In this story, Frodo uses hui brians, hus will and his belief to beat the enemy, that was much stronger than him
Secondly, the film's director, Peter Jackson shows us the beautiful scenery of his countery - New Zealand. All three films were shot on this island. We see glorious mountains, valleys, rivers and great clear skies.
Thirdly, computer graphics are used brilliantly. The character Gollum looks so life-like! He is my favorite character in the film. In fact, he has been brought to life entirely by computer programmers. Even when you look closely he appears real.
Lastly, each time I watch the film, I think about all my friends. Maybe I will say a banality, but I think that good friends are more precious than any treasures in the world. I could watch these films again and again. The story they tell is timeless.
"The tourist" is a new film directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. Although it in fact is a thriller it seems more like a comedy. The two main heroes are Frank - played by Johnny Depp and Elise played by Angelina Jolie.
Elise is a British woman who used to work for the Scotland Yard and then she was assigned to a secret mission which was to follow a man called Alexander Pearce, who is suspected to have stolen a great amount of money. When Elise decides not to contact with the Scotland Yard for over a year, her own team starts to follow her hoping to find Pearce this way. At a cafe she's given a letter from pearce in which he tells Elise to get on a certain train and choose someone who looks like him to make the police believe that she found him. On that train Elise meets Frank, who falls in love with her and goes to a hotel with her. First everyone believes that he is really Pearce and some people even try to kill him but then the police think that pearce couldn't have changed his appereance and behaviour so much. But are they right?
In this film you never know what's going to happen next and what will the final result of the heroes' actions be. It can make you confused because you think you know the truth but it turns out that you don't have a clue about it. And that's why I really like this movie.