Wraz z kolegami i koleżankami wyjechałes na trzytygodniowy obóz. Napisz do swoich rodziców list, w którym:
- opiszesz swoje pierwsze wrażenia związane z pobytem w nowym miejscu/
- opiszesz swój pok€j i okolice
- prosisz rodziców o dosłanie ci brakujących rzeczy.
Własznie wróciłesz z wycieczki do Londynu,gdzie poznałes mieszkającom tam ciotkę w e-mailu do kolegi
- napisz, w jakich okolocznościach sppotkaliscie się z ciotką
- opisz co ci się w niej podoba
- napisz jakie masz związanie z nią plany na przyszły rok.
w liscie i e-mailu podpisz sie jako XYZ Rozwin swoja wypowiedz w kazdych trzech punktach pamiętaj odługosci listu i e-malu
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello mum and dad. We reached not a long time ago and very much I here like him, it is much for touring and very curiously. I am sharing my room with Michał, Maciek and Olek. I have a bed by Olek and in the evening we are talking and we are telling terrible stories for ourselves. There is one problem I forgot from the house to take the towel and the blanket. Could you send me? Very much they are needed for me. I will still speak, now we are going to tour surroundings.
Hello Kamil, I just came back from London it was super! When with Mateusz I toured the city I came across the auntie, went with the shopping. She stopped and said hello to me, I for her almost would overlook. With Mateusz we helped her with the shopping and by the way showed us where and how lives. Terribly I in it am pleased that she is very nice and darling, gave us money so that we bought some souvenirs ourselves. We had to already say goodbye or else there will be a meeting- not long we explained to her. She asked whether I would like in a year for holidays to arrive in it, I answered, that if only parents let me very much I would want. The auntie said with parents she would settle it and mum agreed with dad. I cannot wait until holidays in a year.