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Jej wygląd-7zdań
Cechy charakteru-7zdań
Jej dom-7zdań
Szkołę którą ukończyła(czas przeszły)-7zdań
Jej pracę-7zdań
Jej rodzinę-7zdań
Ulubione jedzenie-7zdań
Ulubione sklepy-7zdań
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Jej wygląd:
Marie is neither too pretty nor too ugly, but she has an extremely graceful figure. She is always well-dressed and some people might even call her good-looking. If her face weren't so round, she would resemble Julia Roberts. Marie is tall, slim and narrow-waisted. She has beautiful fair, wavy hair. She often ties her hair in bunches. When she smiles, you can see dimples on her rosy cheeks.
Cechy charakteru:
Marie is a perfect friend. She is someone who never lets you down, and who you can always rely on. She is loyal, trusted, sincere and faithful. Marie is a person you can always count on. You can be in a close relationship with her. She helps you in difficult times, cheers you up and raise you spirits when you are truobled or down. Mary never is in bad mood .
Jej dom:
She live in a small village surrounded by countryside. She has never thought of moving to the city as she love the peace and quiet of a rural area. Her house has walls covered with ivy , a red roof and two chimneys. There is a wooden porch out the front and a balcony on the first floor. There is a fireplace in the living toom and an impressive staircase leading to the attic. Marie loves books, so she have bookcase in the living room. Her house is decorated in original desing.
Szkołę, którą ukończyła:
She loathed her school. The caretaker checked if the students always were wearing uniforms and school badges. The students had to be in front of the classroom two minutes before the bell rings. They played truand because they really didn't feel like going to school. They knew they would be punished but they didn't care. Marie's favourite subject at school was Maths. She alwas listen carefully when her teacher explained the rules of arithmetic or geometry.
Jej pracę:
Marie is an ideal teacher and she chose her profession deliberately and not by chance. She treat teaching as a mission and not only as a way to earn a living. Marie has an impact on the education of high school students. Marie is highly comperent and love her job. She has a wide knowledge of Maths, which she teach. She know how to motivate students. Her lessons aren't monotonous because her creativity helps her make every lesson varied and interesting.
Jej rodzinę:
Marie has a very big family. They meet once a year to celebrate her mother's brithday. Everybody tries to be kind and polite even if they don't like one another. Marie's father finds it difficult not to quarrel with his brother-in-law so he usually takes his seat between Marie's great-grandfather and her brother in order to be as far from his oppontent as possible. Marie always has a headache because her nieces and nephews are extremely noisy but she never complains as she doesn't want to spoil the good atmosphere of a family meeting. Marie is a godmother of one of the four-years-old twins and she always buys beautiful present for him. Marie also has a handsome husband and two beautiful daughters.
Ulubione jedzenie:
Marie used to eat a lot of junk food but she felt it had a serious effect on her health. So now, if she get hungry between meals She has some tangerines, grapes or oranges. In summer she prefers blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. She tries to avoid nuts and dates as they have too many calories. Marie loves eating out and Her favourite restaurans offers mainly pizza and pasta dishes. But they also serve delicious mixed salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and pepper. Waiters always recommend grilled mushrooms but Marie thinks stuffed aubergine is better.
Ulubione sklepy:
Marie hates shopping in superstores or shopping centres. They are definitely too crowded for her. She prefers going to the corner shop or to the market. Besides, she has a very good convenience store in her neighbourhood where she can buy food at any time of the day. Even before Christmas she tries to omit shopping malls. She always buys Christmas presents for her dad in the DIY. It is more difficult to find something interesting for her mum, so she usually has to visit several boutiques and antique shop.
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