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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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She is in her mid-twenties. She is really tall. She is said to be skinny. Her oval face is framed by a mass of wavy hair. Her brown sparkling eyes show indulgence and self-confidence. She is always finely dressed in a jacket and jeans or a short skirt at times. She likes convenient clothes.
As regards her personality her most characteristic feature is truthfulness. She always tells the truth. I can tell her everything without being afraid that someone will know my secrets. Ann is both affectionate and easy-going. Nevertheless, she may be absent-minded at times. Except for being strong-willed, she happens to be hot-blooded. When she gets angry, she always screams.
Ann is a very sociable person. She likes going out especially with her friends. She loves horseback riding and working in her garden. She is really keen on reading books, watching TV, surfing the Internet and going shopping. She also loves animals and adores to take care of them. Her favourite cuisine is the ,,Italian".
All in all, Ann is my best friend. In difficult life situations she is always very helpful. We're like siblings. We fall out sometimes, but mostly we get on like a house on fire.