January 2019 1 24 Report
O co chodzi w tym fragmencie? nie chce rozprawki tylko wytlumaczenia tresci tej rozmowy i jak podejsc do pracy ;) daje naj potrzebne na zaraz !!

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Witam mam do sprawdzenia dwie prace, potrzebne na wtorek godz 8:00, daje NAJ ! Jeśli czegoś nie wiesz, nie poprawiaj, z gory serdeczne dzięki 1. Niektore osoby uwazaja, ze zycie bez komputerow i internetu byloby lepsze. rozprawka Nowadays almost everyone using computer and surfing the Internet everyday. Some people think, that live without computers and Internet will be better. In my opinion their view isn’t totally correct. First of all, computers with the internet are needed for most companies and businessmen. They can manage everything from one place. Moreover in the same time, they can searching for new solutions and ideas in order to develop businesses. Next, by the Internet everyone can connect with people from around the world, seek information, make new friends, more and more. We don’t need a lot of money, comprehensive knowledge etc. One thing we need to do is only turning up the computer and enter any site! Moreover, computer with the internet it’s a really nice amusement. Many people love playing in computer games or chatting with friends. Although for a moment everyone can forget about daily routine, problems and make some fun in front of monitor. On the other hand, spending too much time on a computer with the Net can be addictive. Some people forgot, that it is only electronic device, which makes our live quiet better. Sometimes we can find people, who live only in virtual world or can’t do anything without computer, Internet. To sum up, computers and Internet are very good inventions. They make our life easier and we can do a lot of things using them. Everyone should remember, that devices can’t be too much important for us, because then it become very dangerous. 2.Opis radosnego wydarzenia w moim domu Last weekend I organised a birthday party. I invited all my friends and close family. One day my parents went to my aunt to Gdansk. They allowed me to organise a small birthday party in my house. I posted some information on facebook and added 20 people to the event. Guests came to my house at 5pm. Few minutes later all members were ready to start the party. We didn't waste time and begin eating and drinking. My friends sang a birthday song for me. Many people didn't know lyrics of that song and they comitted a lot of mistakes. That was very funny. Next we went to my pasement. There were located many atractions: table tenis, gym, bilard, cheers and board games. We played also in find and seek. My friend Tom has hidden in washing machine. He didnt know, that machine was still working ( gosciu schowal sie w pralce, nie wiedzial ze ona jest wlaczona i se pierze). His clothes were wet and i Have him my trousers and jumper, but size was too big. That looks really funny. At the midnight I set the fireworks. All time everyone dance on the floor. We finished party at 3 am. That was very nice event. I'm looking forward next party. I hope so guests were happy and they will come on a next party!
Prosze o przetlumaczenie i poprawienie troche bledow nowadays a lot of people need some break from daily routine and they decide to lonely, hard journey Rozważmy za i przeciw takiej decyzji(jakis taki zwrot w angielskim, nie moglem znalezc). First of all, traveling is very exciting. We can explore nature, discover something rare and special, Therefore we can feel very happy and satisfated. A do tego dumni z samego siebie . Nikt nam tego nie odbierze, cala zasluga bedzie przypisana tylko dla nas, mozemy stac sie slawni. Moreover, some people need to be alone some time. Most of people(troche slabo bo sie powtarza) can do everything, aby tylko osiągnąć swoj cel. Most of us need to fight with teammates, because they are waiting on any mistake and want our slip( potkniecia, bledu dla wlasnych korzysci) For example my cousin Tom works in biggest bank in Warsaw, ING Bank. Everyday he must be very careful and focused on his work, because a lot of customers waiting for his gaffe and want to take easy money. On uwielbia być czasami sam, bez hałsu itd ( tu chodzi o to ze mam kuzyna tomka, ktory pracuje w banku, caly czas musi na wszystko uwazac bo ludzie tylko czekaja zeby go oszukac, jest przemeczony itd, moze mozna troche lepiej sformulowac ten przyklad, jak cos to prosze to robic) From the other hand, lonely journey can be very dangerous. We can find a lot of scammers, unfair and bad people everywhere, that's why our trp can be very dangerous and unpleasant. What is more, traveling alone is very expensive. we cant rely on common money and usefull things. We cant buy group tickets, borrow any tools from our mate etc. All things considered, lonely journey is unusual adventure, but also sometimes extremly hard and dangerous.I think that is better idea to find trustfull friend and go on amazing trip with him !!
Napisz opowiadanie o tym jak drobny wypadek samochodowy spowodowal powazna zmiane w zyciu bohatera 200-250 slow Prosze o sprawdzenie i przetlumaczenie niektorych zwrotow! Few days ago my dear friend Bob went by car on a trip, to Gdansk.He wanted to know that city, because he intended to go there to study.He was driving in sunny casual morning day. Suddenly he heard a horrible snap. He looked in mirros and observed black, very luxury and expensive car and woman inside. She hited bob’s car and escaped. My friend tried to call the police, but it wasn’t usefull. Bob is very talented mechanic, so he repaired vehicle and continued his trip. Few hours later he ~~~~był już na miejscu I postanowił zarezerwować hotel~~~~. Than He refueld his vehicle and went to the Beach There he was having fun. When bob was resting on the sea, he observed two fit, strong guys. He was pretty sure, that he saw their in front of hotel, on the fuel station and on a platform. Suddenly his mobile ranked, and police officer said that they put woman, who probably caused the accident. He asked my friend to arrive on a police station. Bob very fast took their things and went. In front of doors,~~~ spotkal tych dwoch mezczyzn ktorych wczesniej widzial zatrzymalo go~~~~. They had a Deal for him: woman, who hitted his car was a wife rich boss of a company. She was drunk and she hasn’t got driver license. One guy said: “if u don’t want to make a problems, ~~~~udaj ze nie znasz tej kobiety I ze widzisz ja pierwszy raz. Mój szef kupi ci wille z i będzie placil kilka tysięcy miesięcznie za te milczenie”~~~~~~ bob accepted proposition and we are drinking cold drink In his swimming pool !!
Za i przeciw wyjazdu za granice prosze o sprawdzaenie, przetlumaczenie niektorych zwrotow i poprawienie bledow, daje naj, potrzebne na dzis 24:00 Za i przeciw wyjazdu za granice prosze o sprawdzaenie, przetlumaczenie niektorych zwrotow i poprawienie bledow, daje naj, potrzebne na dzis 24:00 Nowadays a lot of young people don’t know what should they do In their free time. Most of them decide to spend their school break abroad, like a worker. The moon question is whether this phenomenon has more advantantages or disadvantages. It is widely assumed that more and more teenagers go to temporary work abroad everyear. There is no doubt about it that youth dont have enough Money from their parent, and they are very happy due to possibility make some cash. Another aspect is that teenagers must settle in new environment. Moreover, young adult has opportunity to know how to save and spend his own money. Nowadays we have trudne czasy so that experience can be very usefull. What is more, Young people May(prawdopodobnie zle uzycie) meet different people and know other culctures and mores. They mogą sie nauczyć how to respect other habits and behavior. It can be very helpful to find and zrozumieć a partner. On the other hand live abroad can be very dangerous.Young adult don’t know people, they can don’t respect people from other countries Apart from that holidays są po to aby mlodzi ludzie mogli odpocząć od szkoły, a nie męczyć się w pracy. If teenegers will not Rest in holidays, when should they do it? Last but not least, youth should focus on spend their free time with friends and family, because usually they don’t have enough time for it during daily routine. On balance holidays abroad have as many advantages as disadvantages. It can be very useful, but young adult need to think, what is he doing!

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