LIST: Chciałabyś odwiedzić rówieśniczkę z Australii,z którym.którą korespondujesz. Napisz do niego/niej list. W liście: -dowiedz się, jak jej się ostatnio powodzi i napisz, co u Ciebie słychać, -zapytaj, czy możesz przyjechać w odwiedziny i wyjaśnij, dlaczego chciałbyś, chciałabyś się z nią zobaczyć, -napisz, kiedy mogłabyś przyjechać i co chciałabyś robić podczas pobytu, -dodaj, że jesteś podekscytowana perspektywą spotkania i poproś o szybką odpowiedź.
Z góry bardzo dziękuję;)
Dear Santo I am writting to You beacause I am full of news form my life and I want to tell You them. I've got new girlfriend! Her's name is Sarah. She's beautifull. Also I have a new job-newspaper boy. I work in early hours but I like this job. And how is Your private life? Have You found someone special? I might You have. Oh, and I have got very important thing to ask You. Can I come to You, to Australia for Christmas? I want to see You after six years from our meet... It was great time with You, do You remember it? I also want to meet with Your parents and go to Sydney-I am dreaming about meeting Aborygens. They're fantastic. It's very important for me so please write as soon as You can to me :)
I am writting to You beacause I am full of news form my life and I want to tell You them. I've got new girlfriend! Her's name is Sarah. She's beautifull. Also I have a new job-newspaper boy. I work in early hours but I like this job. And how is Your private life? Have You found someone special? I might You have.
Oh, and I have got very important thing to ask You. Can I come to You, to Australia for Christmas? I want to see You after six years from our meet... It was great time with You, do You remember it? I also want to meet with Your parents and go to Sydney-I am dreaming about meeting Aborygens. They're fantastic.
It's very important for me so please write as soon as You can to me :)