Napisz list informacyjny.Podziękuj w nim również za prezent (120-150 słów): Wstęp:podziękuj za prezent (na urodziny od ciotki) napisz czym on jest dla mnie ,czy go lubię i dlaczego ? Czy go używasz? (napisz o szaliku) Rozwinięcie:Napisz jakie inne prezenty dostałem i co robiłem na imprezie urodzinowej (jak się bawiłem). Zakończenie:Podziękuj ponownie za prezent (ciotce) i że zrobiła ci ogromną przyjemność. Każdą odpowiedź poniżej 120 słów zgłaszam jako spam.Żadnych przetłumaczonych na translatorze testów jak i żadnych z neta (uwierzcie mi- rozpoznam). Z góry dziękuję.
I'm very thankful for your gift for me! This scarf is for me very useful and, what is the most important - very fashionable. I like it a lot, because is thick and gives me a lot of pleasant warmth. I think that a vast majority of my colleagues looks jealous! I put on it every day when I go to school.
I also would like to tell you that I have been gifted with a charming perfume from my parents and modern MP3 player. I have enjoyed a lot my brithday party. Moreover, I think that it has been my best party of all!
Thank you so much again for that amazing scarf! You gave me a hudge pleasure, because I hadn't have a proper scarf before.
I'm very thankful for your gift for me! This scarf is for me very useful and, what is the most important - very fashionable. I like it a lot, because is thick and gives me a lot of pleasant warmth. I think that a vast majority of my colleagues looks jealous! I put on it every day when I go to school.
I also would like to tell you that I have been gifted with a charming perfume from my parents and modern MP3 player. I have enjoyed a lot my brithday party. Moreover, I think that it has been my best party of all!
Thank you so much again for that amazing scarf! You gave me a hudge pleasure, because I hadn't have a proper scarf before.
Best greetings,