Prosze o kogos bardzo dobrego z angola o napisanie listu. Tylko musi byc on napisany bez zadnych bledow, napisany, zeby mozna bylo piatke dostac. Jezeli mi sie nie spodoba napisany list, zglaszam naduzycie. Bardzo potrzebna mi jest ta piatka. Oto tresc: Chcesz kupic dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz w gazecie ogloszenie prezentujace nieruchomosc, ktora cie interesuje. Napisz listdo agencji, ktora je zamiescila:
-okresl, jai rodzaj domu/mieszkania chcesz kupici powolaj sie na ogloszenie
-zapytaj o odlegolosc srodkow komunikacji miejskiej i sklepow
-zapytaj o co najmniej trzy interesujace cie elementy wyposazenia domu
-zapytaj o mozliwosc uprawiania sportu i dostep do rozrywek naturalnych w okolicy. (minimum 150 slow)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Real Estate Agent,
This is in response to your advertisement listing houses for sale. I am interested in purchasing a house in Cambridge, with three bedrooms, two baths, a living room, and a separate dining room. One of your listings (the one on Baker Street) looked like it might meet my needs. However, I have several questions regarding this property and its vicinity.
My questions about the house itself are the following. Does it have a basement that is either finished or can be finished? I see that there is a garage, but the advertisement does not say whether it is attached or detached. Does it have central air conditioning?
My other questions pertain to the area that the house is located in. How far is this house located from public transportation? Where is the nearest grocery store? Are there any sports facilities nearby? And finally, is there a nature recreation area in the vicinity?
I am looking forward to your response.
(165 slow - uwaga, na prawde nie ma bledow i jest napisane na poziomie zaawansowanym; jezeli nie tego sie spodziewa nauczyciel, to ten poziom moze byc podejrzany; w kazdym razie powodzenia)