Chcialbym, by ktos bardzo dobry z angielskiego napisal mi list. Trzeba to napisac, aby mozna bylo dostac za to 5, za co daje duzo punktow. Jesli mi sie nie spodoba, zglaszam jako naduzycie. Od 120 do 150 slow. Oto tresc:
Zobaczyles w gazecie ogloszenie reklamujace kurs komputerowy w jednej z londynskich szkol. Napisz list do tej szkoly.
-napisz, gdzie zobaczyles ogloszenie o kursie i dlaczego piszesz
-popros o szczegolowe informacje dotyczace roznych kursow i ich cen
wyjasnij, kim jestes i napisz o swoim doswiadczeniu w zakresie obslugi komputera
-powiedz, jakie sa twoje plany na przyslosc i poinformuj, jak najlepiej sie z toba skontaktowac.
120-150 slow. Potrzebuje na wtorek.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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London, 15th December 2012
Der Sirs,
I found your advertisment in last issue of CURSOR magazine and I am interested in the course that you organize during next holidays. In June 2013 I finish my Comprehensive Secondary School and before I start studying in University of Warsaw I plan to spend whole 3 months of holidays in London, at my cousin's.
I am skilled in Windows (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) environment and C++ programming. Since 2010, as a free-lancer I work as a C++ programmist for GTU Ltd., a company which offers complete IT solution for real estate agents. I hope that thanks to the courses you offer I might get wide knowledge of graphics and website design.
Please send me details and prices of your holiday courses. I am especially interested in those of webdesign and computer graphics. I am also interested if there are any special discounts for UE students or discounts applied if I attend more than one course at once.
Please send me all the information to my email address: [email protected]